ALBUM REVIEW: Shotgun Mistress – Kings of the Revolution

Released June 14, 2024 - Independent

The four guys that make up Shotgun Mistress release their sophomore album “Kings Of The Revolution” on June 14 just as they head for a nine-date tour of Japan. I first came across this band was with their single ‘Save Me From Myself’ back in 2020. I had heard of their reputation as a high energy live band but as we all know the world went to hell in a handbag around that time and it wasn’t until 2021 where I got to see them live for the first time supporting Electric Mary. From the moment I heard the collection of songs from the debut not only live but on vinyl these guys had something special about them.

Now, having seen the band countless times it’s been a treat watching them grow with confidence and maturity. The word of a new album coming in 2023 had me excited and while it’s probably been near twelve months since I knew “Kings Of The Revolution” had been recorded still I had no idea of what to expect.

With their previous label imprint falling by the wayside the guys from Shotgun Mistress decided to do things their way and make this record on their terms and market it in their way. “Kings Of The Revolution” is a bold in your face album that not only shows a huge amount of growth in the songs, it also show a confidence within the band that they aren’t here to mess around.

While the self-titled debut was a great collection of songs “Kings Of The Revolution” shows some serious musical flex and muscle. It’s a collection of eleven tracks that offer a diversity and maturity to the core sound established on the debut. In fact, in many ways “Kings Of The Revolution” is one of those albums that isn’t ashamed to be loud and in your face. It is refreshing to hear influences of when hard rock was great, when hard rock was dangerous and exciting, when hard rock could be technical without being egocentric, when music was fun and a little dangerous. Scattered through out this album are moments that seem familiar but have completely new and fresh spins put on it. The nods are discrete and presented in an original way, which is what also brings the appeal of this album to the forefront.

‘Kings Of The Revolution’ – What a way to start the album. It’s the fastest track on the album and refuses to let go once it starts. It has all of the hallmarks that Shotgun Mistress are know for on the debut, big riffs, Glenn Patrick’s hallmark falsetto and a driving groove that you can’t help nod your head to. The gang style parts in the chorus are a nice touch and the riffs are just massive.

‘Sweet Woman’ – This one has been in the live set for a couple of months now and it’s for good reason. It has such a big groove to it David Lee Daniel simply thumps his way through this track, the cowbell is a sweet touch. This is a superb example of how the band has grown and become comfortable in their own the synchronicity of bass and guitar is reminiscent of what Extreme’s Nuno Bettencourt and Pat Badger do so well. Their ability to find a groove and lock into it just makes me smile like a fool. It really does highlight Ben Curnows dexterity and Mat Wilcocks ability to write and execute a killer riff. All the time Daniel is just gluing everything together. It’s solid, a little funky but a whole lot of fun.

‘Shot Down’ – The second single from the album has that killer opening riff that just has a swagger to it. The verses are the bastard child of a classic Aerosmith song and the chorus will stay with you for days. It’s just full of energy and groove. It a confident track that has such has a feel-good vibe and is one hell of a party.

‘Jude Judas’ – From the moment Glenn Patrick’s Judas scream pierces through the speakers there is a certain tone set. This is the first single from the album and in my opinion should have opened the album. It makes a statement in every way. While it’s a great track it isn’t my favourite listen on the album (yes, I’m probably going to be crucified for saying this). The middle instrumental section is a blinder and continues that locked in riffage that Curnow and Wilcock have mastered on this album. The solo is tasty as hell. There are elements to this song that just make it solid as the backbone is simple, stylish and tight as hell.

‘From Hell’ – Opens with a strong riff and has another one of those killer rhythm lock in’s  that stamp this album with what is obviously a Shotgun Mistress signature on this record. A heavily driven rhythm backbone this time Curnow and Daniel just get it done driving the track hard. The middle section is a highlight for me. Patricks vocals are rhythmic and delivered with a ton of conviction, the subtle but killer backing vocals during the last chorus just sit and soar perfectly.

‘Mary Jane’ (Featuring Rusty Brown) – The third single to date is possibly the albums finest moment for me. The trading of lines between Rusty Brown from Electric Mary and Glenn Patrick is seemless and perfect. Both voices work incredibly well together and is a magical performance from both of them. Lyrically it’s a clever track and that riff is just a classic. I talk about a certain groove on this album, it’s consistent and evident, every track so far has me involuntarily engage whether it be a finger tap, a nod of the head or an urge to sing along and that’s a rare thing to find these days. Did I mention how good the riff is? I can wait for the day where Brown and Patrick duet this one live.

‘Headspace’ – Patricks vocal for the first fifteen seconds of this song is warm and has a slight nod to that smokey whiskey doused vocal that Scott Weiland used to deliver in Stone Temple Pilots and Velvet Revolver, but once this song truly kicks in it’s a journey within itself. I describe every track as having a groove to it and it is simply that. There is a pocket that the whole band plays in and it creates beautifully infectious moments. Headspace has these moments and there is enough room in the musicality of this song. That ‘Huh’ at 1:38 gets me every time as it just allows the right space to take the track home. It weaves, bops and drives in all the right ways.

‘Addicted To Pain’ – The bluesy riff that is the backbone of the song shows another side to the band. It is possibly the most straight forward no hold barred driving track on the album for me. It’s classic riff and really does jump out of the speaker. The chorus is killer and the hook is just killer. The near call and answer style of the chorus is so damn cool. Again, there is a beauty in the musicianship on this track which allows it depth that you wouldn’t find on this style of song in a typical delivery.

‘Welcome To The Fight’ – This is a strange track for me. I love it and I hate it, but bare with me as I will explain. I was put off by the intro of this song as it brough back memories of having my brain over saturated by Guns N Roses ‘Patience’ three and a half decades ago. I’m not a fan of ‘Patience’, never have been, never will be and the intro and outro of ‘Welcome To The Fight’ are almost PTSD triggers of what I hated about who G’N’R became, this alone made it hard to move through and dive into the song. G’N’R delivered possibly the best hard rock album of all time and then backed it up with what I considered to be a huge sell out. Sure, it sold millions, added a legion of fans, but for me it killed the vibe, the danger and the power of the band. That’s the negative and it isn’t anything against Shotgun Mistress but it explains why this song hasn’t hit me the same way the rest of the album has. As a song it is amazing lyrically, the build and story in this track is captivating. It’s lush and vast, the performance is spot on and shows so much depth and versatility. For me the guitar replication of the intro and outro mid song is far more effective. The solo and the power behind it is just phenomenal. The meat and bones of this song are amazing. It is. A great song, unfortunately it’s the one moment I find myself wanting to skip on the album.

‘It’s Alright’ –  Ahhhh, all has been redeemed we are back to the wheelhouse and core of what Shotgun Mistress are to me. Big riffs, big vocals and that bluesy classic rock sound. This is where the band shines time and time again. The harmonies on this are killer and just elevates the track.

‘Down’ – Is a gritty little closer, still up tempo and has that groove that is so evident through this record. It’s a great closing track and that chainsaw guitar sound Wilcock has on this is insane. It has another singalong chorus and the dynamics of Daniel on drums just drives this sucker. It’s possibly the most straight forward song structure wise and that is what also allows it to shine.

All in all what a record it’s a near perfect slab of no bullshit rock n roll. It’s the closest thing to perfect play all the way through. I wish in some ways there wasn’t a ballad on the album and the band just decided to kick my ass all the way through. …. Maybe next time.

That being said production on this album is great, the balance and mix are lively and really do allow the songs to shine. Everything sits exactly where it should and has an energy to it that’s hard to find. The performances and the songs are where it is at for me on this album though. Each member of Shotgun Mistress should hold their head high with this album. “Kings Of the Revolution” is world class and shows a level of musicianship that is rarely heard today. There are four MVP’s on this album, and that is the band. Knowing they can pull these songs off live also helps in the authenticity of the band. I haven’t enjoyed an album this much in such a long time. It’s a contender for album of the year not only from an Australian artist but any artist. I am excited to see how the band builds its momentum from here. I’m sure once word starts to spread and it gets more listens globally there will some serious interest and opportunities for Shotgun Mistress. If this is the quantum leap from debut to sophomore, I can’t wait to see what is next for these guys. This album is one of those records that will sit with me on high rotation and I will call it now, it will go down as one of the classic hard rock albums to come out of this country in years to come.

Please check out the band on socials, check them out live, buy some merch and support these guys anyway you can.