Chances are good that you've heard these classic poker songs before. If not, what did you do in college! We'll warn you straight away about the contrasting sound of selected songs - don't let that surprise you! But we're sure you'll find each one to your liking. And best of all: they're sure to put you in the right poker mood.

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Ace of Spades - Motorhead

We're starting with a codfish! These guys knew how to improve things! The top spot on our list of the best poker songs rightfully belongs to one of the most successful heavy metal bands Motorhead.

From the moment the heavy bassline blares through to the conclusion of this three-minute song from 1980, you'll be bouncing around the house playing air guitar with muddy distortion permeating your ears.

You might not understand the full lyrics the first time you listen to the song, but you'll soon find out they're filled with verses related to gambling, like 'raise the ante' or 'double or leave, double or split'. The text even mentions 'dead man's hand', which of course means a pair of black aces and eights.

For the seasoned gambler, the verses 'you win some, you lose some, I don't care' may seem too light-hearted, but we dare anyone not to move their feet when this song plays.

Desperado - The Eagles

It's a sharp transition, but bear with me: put on your headphones and turn down the volume a bit for the ultimate experience.

Co-written by Don Henley and Glenn Frey, the consummate kings of rock ballads, this Eagles track is full of poker references and certainly qualifies as one of the best poker songs of all time. The title of the song may be misleading, but Eagles does not imply a running bandit: instead, the protagonist sees loneliness as a prison and fears dying alone.

For the Eagles, life's entire journey comes down to a happy prank: 'Don't you draw a diamond queen, boy, she'll outbid you if she can' or 'the queen of hearts is always the best bet'.

The song was released as the title track on the Eagles' second album in 1973, and although it was never launched as a single, it quickly became one of the fans' favorites.

Are you ready to rock? Write a note to your neighbors and apologize for the loud music, because the next two poker songs we've prepared for you will literally rip your ears off! So get your leather jackets on and get ready to jump to these high classic rock anthems! And before you do, check out our list of the best Danish online casinos at

Jack by AC/DC

Although Jack by AC/DC is full of poker references (aces, full house, royal flush), Jack by AC/DC has nothing to do with poker.

The Australian rock band's 1976 song tells a story, wait for it: an STD. In case you didn't know, 'jack' is Australian slang for gonorrhea. Yes, it looks like the whole band caught the disease at some point and decided to have some fun with the unfortunate situation (and turn it into a super cool rock song).

We won't go into the details of the original lyrics, but they boil down to poor hygiene and dishonesty on the part of the woman in question, in addition to a bunch of other sexual innuendos such as 'Her deuce was wild, but my ace was high'. You get the gist.

Interestingly, AC/DC has changed the lyrics to this track over the years. During the live performances, you will notice that many of the poker references have become more sexually explicit.

Deuces Are Wild - Aerosmith

Those who have played wild poker with deuces are well aware that your main goal is to get deuces. Of course, that's because deuces can replace any other card you need.

This is exactly what Jim Vallance and Steven Tyler had in mind when they wrote Deuces Are Wild in 1988. The woman Tyler talks about in the lyrics is not happy, "I love you because your deuces are wild, girl, how a double shot of love is so beautiful".

In addition to that, this sunny ballad contains another poker-faced reference, "Because you and I are two ones". As for Stephen, they are the perfect couple. His knowledge of grammar aside.

The track, first turned down by the label for their album Pump, has become one of the most popular poker songs and has been included in almost every Aerosmith greatest hits compilation.

That's all for now! But if you like the theme, we'll be sure to have a new selection of gambling songs.

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