Sports on TV

Sports on TV in Sweden - Sports are a huge interest for many people around the world. However, the interest in sports can look a little different. Some love to play sports for fun, others want to compete in sports and then there are those people who only enjoy watching their favorite sport. They can then do this both on site and in many cases on television. But which are the most popular sports shown on television in Sweden? We have researched that and then chosen to list the most popular ones below. You can watch your favorite sports shows, competitions and bet on

6. Cross-country skiing

Cross-country skiing is one of the most popular sports shown on television. The sport is based on all participants having to, with their own strength, get through different terrains. There are also different variations of cross-country skiing, such as sprint, interval, pursuit skiing and classic style. Different championships are also organized annually in the sport, both the Olympics, WC and SM. The very first Swedish championship was already held in 1910 in Härnösand.

5. Alpine

In fifth place among the most popular sports shown on television in Sweden is alpine skiing. It is a type of downhill skiing that came to Sweden in the 1930s. Several different skiing sports are included in alpine, including slalom, downhill, giant slalom and parallel slalom. The sport is also part of the Winter Olympics and every two years a world championship is organized.

4. Ice hockey

In fourth place comes ice hockey. Most people probably know a little about this sport even if they may not have an interest. Ice hockey is played on ice with two teams facing each other. Very simply explained, it involves scoring a goal with a puck in the opponent's goal. The sport originated as early as the 16th century, but has since developed a lot. However, today's ice hockey is believed to have originated at the end of the 19th century.

3. Athletics

Athletics ranks third among the most popular sports shown on television. It is a collection of different sports, including sprints, various runs, throwing events, relay, walking and jumping events. Athletics is also the sport that has one of the longest histories when it comes to sports. Namely, it is mentioned as early as antiquity, in the first Olympic Games that were ever held.

2. Floorball

Floorball is the second most popular sport on television in Sweden. It is an indoor sport played between two teams. Each team has five outfield players and a goalkeeper. Each player then has a club that they must use to pass a ball between them. The goal of the sport is to score as many goals as possible in the opponent's goal cage.

1. Football

Football is the sport that is shown the most on television in our country. The sport has been popular for many years and there are matches to watch pretty much all the time. Every year, several competitions are also organized where different football teams/clubs have the chance to move up in levels and maybe even become the best. There are both completely Swedish competitions where only Swedish teams play and then there are larger tournaments where teams from different countries around the world participate.