Metal DJ Will 2009


Will hosts a Metal program on Sunday 10am to 1pm Pacific Standard Time. We talk about Rocklahoma 2009 and more.


G’day Will, thanks for talking to The Rockpit

No Prob….all good on the west coast…we still haven’t fallen into the Ocean!

What was your overall impressions of Rocklahoma 2009?

Happy I finally went…not happy with the weather but for rock n’ roll you deal because its worth it in the long run. Overall great hospitality from the fans (especially everyone with the Garden Of Evil – Horns up!), the crews & ROK staff personnel.

How did you come to be called on to introduce a couple of the bands on the main stage?

Well…I initially was won over by the Thursday line-up and had to get into the mix since I play all of those bands on my show a lot and no fest like ROK was coming anywhere near California anytime soon! I was going to do more but its Eddie Trunk’s gig first & foremost. I offered to fill in here & there so he could take a few breaks, but I found things were on a pretty tight schedule so just a few intros & announcements I was able to do… I really wanted to introduce Anvil since I’m in their film, but we flipped the idea at the last minute.

Which performances stood out for you?

Well I covered as much ground as I could but mine were: Metal Church (being their last show ever), Icon, Lizzy Borden, Saxon, Kix, Twisted Sister, Warrior & Hericane Alice.

Very similar to my highlights too! How about off stage – any memorable rock n’ roll antics that struck a chord with you?

Yeah…besides the satanic heat & humidity… Kip Winger zippin’ around in a golf cart who I thought was going to participate in some fashion & didn’t, Lizzy Borden trying to find a 2nd dancer minutes before taking the stage, 2 bass player accidents: dude in Bonfire covered in blood after dropping his axe on his dome during their encore… EJ Curse from Silent Rage falling off the loading dock fracturing his arm, but still played later on, and had a really whacked out limo ride back to the Hard Rock with members of Danger Danger, Keel & Icon on Friday!

Do you think Rocklahoma lives up to it’s claim to be the premier 80’s hard rock festival?

For the US? Yes…to a point. I know others have tried and I totally love the spirit as I was around during the heyday of the Sunset Strip out here, but a lot of kinks need to be worked out, like with any big production on such a grand scale. It would be nice if it were anywhere BUT Oklahoma (laughter!) but I understand and know why. Shortening it by a day would be good… maybe 1 less stage & more updates of when bands are performing so people don’t miss out as there were daily changes happening.

Rocklahoma 2010 is going to be on Memorial Day weekend – a month and a half earlier than the 2009 event – how do you feel this might impact the festival?

Ummmm, I think that could jack with a lot of folks and their schedules. The planning that goes into attending is quite a bit for some (Time off work, school, family concerns, rentals, airfare, etc). I know it rules out many who prefer Summer to go festivals like in Europe but the fact remains at the time of this question NO bands have yet been confirmed.

Have you heard any rumours for the 2010 lineup?

The going rumour is (and it is just a rumour) that there are plans afoot to have ‘alternative rock’ bands perform a la Puddle Of Mudd/Korn/3 Doors Down, etc (maybe just one day? Dunno).

In my opinion if that happens your going to see a lot of people potentially bail just for that reason because the spirit of the 80’s & 90s rock/metal acts is the foundation on which ROK was built and just doing a day like that could kill the spirit of the fest…unless you’re there for the party and not the music then all bets are off! (Laughter)

Some bands draw better than others…some are not available, routing is an issue, so on and so on. If it’s done for the economics of it to increase attendance so be it, but ya gotta announce someone concrete EARLY. Despite doing this for 3 years straight I think its a slippery slope banking on folks slappin’ down deposits in advance without confirming any acts especially on the heels of the “Rock Goes Wild” fiasco where a lot of them got jammed out of thousands of dollars. Different scenario, just saying.

ROK has a good brand going – just strengthen the line-ups with even bigger headliners if its possible, I say, and hope they don’t ask for insane amounts which drives everything up.

If we all make it there for 2010 we will catch you up for sure! What’s next for DJ Will?

Still doing my show online for KNAC.COM going on 10 years now and booking local gigs here and there. Always promoting Heavy Metal at any chance I get. Dunno if I’ll make it to ROK 2010 or if they want to use my services more in a promo sense, but we’ll see what happens.

In the meantime please hit me up on KNAC Sundays from 10am-1pm (Pacific Standard Time).

Thanks for talking to The, Will – all the best!


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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.