INTERVIEW: Eric Young – Crashdiet
As a lover of Rock in many of its forms there has never been anything for me to touch a drop or two of goo old-fashioned Sleaze. And the great news for people like […]
As a lover of Rock in many of its forms there has never been anything for me to touch a drop or two of goo old-fashioned Sleaze. And the great news for people like […]
Black Veil Brides are touring Australia soon as part of the Soundwave Revolution, singer Andy Biersack talks to Todd about broken ribs, winning awards and dressing up Koala Bears. Toddstar: Andy, how are […]
Todd interviews Theory Of A Deadman singer Tyler Connolly about the “Carnival of Madness” tour and finds out what “the truth is”. Toddstar: Thanks so much Tyler for taking time out for The […]
Todd sits down with Styx drummer Todd Sucherman to discuss touring, re-recording the band’s classics and…errr, pine knob. Toddstar: Todd thanks so much for taking the time out for The Rockpit. We really […]
US rockers Burn Halo have definitely earned a place in my playlist, It all began when I first listened to their debut self titled album “Burn Halo” in 2009, which hosted a firm fan […]
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