Interview - Stacey Blades, L.A. Guns
By Shane Pinnegar, June 2012

G’day Stacey and thanks for taking time out to talk to THE ROCKPIT
Firstly – congratulations on the new album. It’s a ball-tearing slice of classic
L.A. Guns Sunset Strip sound and sounds as vibrant and as fresh as any bunch of 18
year olds. How did you guys get to the point where you sound so hungry and like
you’ve got such a fire in your belly?
Stacey - Well, there is just such a great chemistry between the four of us! I think it really
shows on this album. we all just love playing. We were really hungry coz it had been
7 years since Tales.
Your playing on the album is fantastic – arguably the best I’ve heard you. How do
you compare it to your previous work?
Stacey - Thanks man! Ya I am really happy with my guitars on "Hollywood Forever". In fact, they had to pull me
back a little. I went in with this commando attitude and tended to way overplay on
my solos. I wanted to be over the top. It works sometimes but not all the time, lol.
What can you tell us about the recording sessions?
Stacey - The process was great! We knocked out 18 bed tracks over at the first studio, Stagg
ST. Riley and Griffin were machines those few days! The rest we did over 6 weeks at
another studio called Unison. I had a great time with Andy. We really bonded this
Looking through the songwriting credits, all four band members have contributed
heavily to the music and lyrics – did that help to create the sense of unity that
you can hear on the record?
Stacey - It really makes the record sound diverse which is what we wanted to do. We didn't
want to make another record like Tales From the Strip. I think the songs are killer.
Lots of different styles!

How & when did you first realise music was your calling? Was there a defining moment?
Stacey - It was in my blood, lol. I started playing piano at the age of 9. My family was very
musical. Of course hearing Zeppelin, Stones and Aerosmith helped too!
What was the first gig you ever went to?
Stacey - My first concert was in 81' - Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.
… and the first record you ever bought?
Stacey - Kiss - Destroyer

The music industry is doing it hard right now. Can young bands afford to rock as a
full time career?
Stacey - It's starting to pick up again. so I think we'll start seeing more bands coming from
hungry young rockers. Look at Black Veil Brides. They are huge right now.
Do you think that the promotional potential of the digital age has equalled the loss
in revenue that has accompanied it, or is it an unfair imbalance?
Stacey - I think vinyl is gonna make a big comeback. I really see a change coming but digital
will always be there coz of its convenience.
I want to touch on a sensitive subject briefly: with two bands touring and recording
under the L.A. Guns name, do you think that harms the brand name?
Stacey - It's a war that we have been fighting for 5 years
now. It's pretty much over and this album proves who the real band is. It's always
been L.A. Guns you know!
Do you see a day where this issue could be finally resolved amicably?
Stacey - It's pretty much gone now. Things are really great for us right now. The band sounds
so good and the new album is awesome!
What is the L.A. Guns set list looking like at the moment – you MUST be playing some
of these great new songs?
Stacey - We have been playing Hollywood Forever, You Better Not Love Me and Sweet Mystery off
the new album. We also re-injected Revolution and Hollywood's Burning into the set.

What’s the best and worst gigs you’ve ever played?
Stacey - M3 Festival really stands out, the last few years have been great there! Worst was a
a show last summer in the Eagle Butte South Dakota, just terrible, lol!
After the debacle that was the failed Intense Impact tour of Australia last year,
will we ever see L.A. Guns Down Under again?
Stacey - I love Australia. Would love to come back and do a great tour there.
What does the rest of 2012 hold for Stacey Blades & L.A. Guns?
Stacey - Non-stop touring and really working the hell out of this great new album. I'm
working on a rewrite for my autobiography Snake Eyes [and] hoping to get a new release
with bigger publisher.
If you could go back in time and be a part of the recording of any song or album
throughout history, what would it be – and why?
Stacey - I think Rocks or Toys in the Attic by Aerosmith. Just awesome shit!!!
Finally Stacey, what for you is the meaning of life?
Stacey - Be a positive, giving, happy person and project goodness! It will come back and
reward you big time!! What ya give is what you get!
Thanks again Stacey and good luck with the album!
Stacey - Cheers \,,/
Interview posted 23 June 2012