INTERVIEW: Tyla J Pallas – The Dogs D’Amour

There are few musicians I’ve enjoyed the work of or followed so avidly as Tyla J Pallas. As a kid I saw The Dogs D’Amour play more times than any other band and amassed all their vinyl, CD’s, hell even ‘cassingles’. I still have it all, play it regularly and always look out for each new release. The holy grail though since the ‘classic’ line up of the band split was to see them on stage together again and now its happening. We caught up with Tyla to talk all about those shows by the ‘Classic’ Dogs D’Amout line-up. First thought let’s set the scene with the press release all Dogs D’Amour fans had been waiting for from November…


“It has just been announced that the quintessential English rock band The Dogs D’Amour are set to reunite on stage to play two live dates at the Borderline in London February 2013. In the late ‘80s they were regarded as one of the coolest underground rock bands with their bluesy, heartfelt sing-along anthems and ramshackle style. With something exceptional to the norm they did not go unnoticed and appeared on Top of The Pops and MTV, graced the covers of Kerrang, RAW, and Sounds. They also toured successfully worldwide several times and created a cult like following in UK, Japan and Europe”.

After the band went their separate ways in the early nineties they briefly got together in 2000 to record “Happy Ever After” then in 2002 opened for Alice Cooper all over Europe and UK. Since then all members have kept their music alive through their own various guises.

Front-man Tyla has continued to record many solo albums and tour as a solo artist. He is also a published writer and painter, and has developed a dedicated following.  Bassist Steve formed Slyder, a funk blues band and is now a sought after luthier and has opened a successful guitar shop. Guitarist Jo is a frequently hired session musician, painter and sculptor. Drummer Bam toured USA, UK and Japan with his band Bubble and has recently launched his hand forged silver jewelry collection.

Over the years fans have campaigned tirelessly for a reunion of sorts and many had given up all hope of ever seeing them back together. However news that a dear friend of the band was in need of urgent medical treatment has inspired these four kind hearts to reunite and raise funds through their music.

So now for the first time the ultimate classic line up of Tyla, Steve, Jo and Bam are back! They will be performing classics such as ‘How Come It Never Rains’, ‘Satellite Kid’  and ‘I Don’t Want You To Go’ as well treating fans to some exquisite new material.


Tyla and Steve James 2012


TYLA J PALLAS – INTERVIEW December 2012 (We were of course attempting to get this up before the end of the world on 21st December)

Mark: 2012 has been a pretty big year wouldn’t you agree?

T. Yep in more ways than one.

Mark: ‘Graveyard of Empty Bottles’ is one of our albums of 2012 were you happy with the results?

T. If I hadn’t been happy with the end results then no one would get to listen to it. I do my best to release works I am proud of.

Mark: You also ventured into a couple of spoken word CD releases: ‘Grub’ and ‘Clobber’ which are hilarious. Tell us a little about each and if you have any plans for other similar releases?

T. Id written the book ‘Dog Tales’ and was attempting to do a spoken word version, after about 3 or 4 attempts at reading it ( I’m not very patient) I couldn’t get a feel, as I write slightly different to how I talk, as with my singin’ You wouldn’t really be able to tell I have a Black Country accent like Ozzie Osbourne would you? And so I just closed the book and began telling the stories from memory. So the stories I tell are slightly different from the ones in the book, or not.

Mark: The Art Tavern (check out is looking good too I’ve a few pieces up on my walls, how’s business? And what new stuff can we look forward to?

T. Well I’m doing oils and canvas’s an all sorts really. I put them up for an affordable price and Bobs yer uncle.

Mark: The big news this year of course is the reunion of what most fans would consider the classic Dogs D’Amour line up of Steve, Jo, Bam and your good self. I know you must have given thought to this a certain points in the past, but hopefully the tragic reason behind the reunion will lead to something that will both serve a bigger cause and give the fans a last opportunity to see the Dogs we grew up with. Is there any chance of something to take away from these shows like maybe a live DVD?

T- We are working on getting the Borderline shows filmed and recorded.



Mark: And how about a new Dogs album?

T-Yes we are working on and recording new material. So far we have been doing it across the Internet airwaves. It’s a hard drawn out process but its coming together and an quite interesting way to work, but we will all be in the same room in January.

Mark: Have you been in touch with the guys about what the set is likely to look like? Will there be a theme to the shows or just a general run through the back catalogue?

T. Yes  we have a set worked out and of course it’s going to be a surprise.

Mark: If I can persuade the bank I might take the long flight from down under, but the London shows are sold out – any chance you can get me to lug a few flight cases around and generally look useful?

T. Ha ha… The amount of people who are supposed to be ‘working’ is quite amusing, your choice mate, there’s always something to do around us…. Then there are the 3 Spanish dates. 24 Madrid, 25 Valencia 25 Barcelona. Also March 1stGlasgow 2nd Sheffield and Wolves 3rd.

T. That’s it for this stint. Other dates Worldwide are currently being thrown back n forth.

Mark: How was Hard Rock Hell this year and what’s your take on all these great new Festivals that have grown up over the last few years?

T. I’ve only experienced HRH and Download. They are well organised but kind of soulless.  I find a strange thing due to there being so many souls wandering around. I think it’s the fact that everyone peaks on the first day and then they are all Zombies for the rest of the time. I must try a first day one of these years.



Mark: There’s a new Tyla album out next year ‘The Devil’s Supper’ (Acoustic sessions MMXII) what do we have to look forward to, and will you be looking to expand some of these electrically as you have in the past?

T. It’s out now and yes of course it will be expanded, I’ve actually recorded the majority electric but decided to do an acoustic version and release that first. I’ll email you some tracks.

Mark: How does the Tyla household spend Christmas (should the ancient Mayans have been wrong that is)…

T- Well its for the the kids innit…so Steph and myself will spend hours wrapping the presents in to the wee hours, put the carrot n  a pint of Brandy out for Fatso and we are woken at approx. 4am by the excited dynamic duo. We will then try to act healthy and have a walk across Hampstead Heath and a drink in the local pub then get home and attempt to cook Xmas dinner, which for the last 4 years has been a disaster and we have twice nearly burnt the house down so we’ll see. If It’s not on the news you will know all went without incident.

Mark: You always seem to have so much on the go is there anything you really have on your list musically that you’ve never got around to?

T- I have not had chance to consult my list of late, as I’ve misplaced it in me head.

Mark: If you could have been a fly on the wall when any piece of musical history was being made what would it have been and why?

T- I dunno really, I hate questions like this, its like who would you rather be an all that. Magic happens lets just leave it at that eh? Why spoil dreams with the truth.

Mark: And there I was hoping you’d say something by Thin Lizzy. What is the meaning of life?

T- That’s simple; Life.


Cheers and happy Christmas and New Year to everyone!


About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer