Lesli talks to Prospect Hill’s Mark ‘Bamo’ Roberge, a new band you’ll want to check out.
Lesli: Hi Mark, Thanks for talking to The Rockpit: let’s get things started at the beginning: tell us a little bit about the origins of the band?
Mark: Prospect Hill evolved from a small garage band started by Derek Rousseau and Myself when we met in seventh grade. We would jam with any friend we could find that played instruments. Sophomore year we picked up Edgar Troncoso and then following that our former guitarist Andy Bochart. After High School and about 3 singers lately we picked up Adam Fithian as our singer and Prospect Hill became what it is today. Along the way we lost Andy and picked up John Roberge who is actually my cousin.
Lesli: What’s the New England scene like where you are from – we don’t hear much about music from that part of the US?
Mark: To be honest there isn’t much of a scene, we kind of have been holding it down. There are some bands that are starting to come up and there is a scene being created, its just a very eclectic mix. Beneath The Sheets,Thurkills Vision and Tester are a few to keep an eye on.
Lesli: Where did the name Prospect Hill originate?
Mark: Prospect Hill is actually a neighborhood located in Lawrence, MA where Edgar, Derek and myself grew up.
Lesli: How would you describe the sound of the band and why do you stand apart from others?
Mark: I like to think we have an original sound that isn’t too far out there but still rings out nicely to the masses. We are into big hooks and different tones. Our goal is to never write the same song and to also keep our imprint on it.
Lesli: You’re in the middle of a pretty extensive tour at the moment how’s that going and what are the audiences like?
Mark: The tour has been amazing! The crowds have been incredible and this feel like it is our most successful tour yet. It feels really good to put all this work and time in to see these kinds of results!
Lesli: Is all the hard work paying off?
Mark: Its paying off, slowly but surely it is paying off!!
Lesli: Tell us about the New Album “Impact” and why we should be checking it out?
Mark: Impact is a collection of our most passionate and creative work. We really had a vision for this record with our producer Anthony J Resta and we all feel we hit it right on the money. The album doesn’t sound cookie cutter at all but yet still has that mainstream rock anthem feel.
Lesli: There are a few songs on the album from previous releases that have received the makeover treatment: we love ‘Breakdown’ – what does that song mean to the band?
Mark: Breakdown was our first big song that resonated with our fans. It was the first song we did with Anthony Resta and we wanted to make sure it got the National release it deserved.
Lesli: Come Alive’ the first single is a great track were you happy with the impact it made?
Mark: We are happy that the single made it to top 50 in Active Rock and it received so well with Fox NFL and ESPN. The song has really become a fan favorite live and just gets the place moving.
Lesli: “Superhero” is the big ballad tell us about that one?
Mark: Superhero is a song that all the girl love haha. You can see it in the crowd, all the girls push to the front for that one. I wrote the lyrics to the song with old friends in mind that just went down a rough path and how nice it would be to try and get in touch with them and try and help them out.
Lesli: We loved the video for “Roller Coaster” are there any plans for any other videos?
Mark: That video was a blast to do! we love making videos and plan on making a ton more in the future!
Lesli: What are your favourite tracks from the album to play live?
Mark: I really love to perform Townie and Come Alive, both are very intense and get me going!
Lesli: You’ve already played with the likes of Godsmack, Disturbed and Korn, as well as Sevendust, Hinder and Trapt who was the most fun to play with and who did you learn most from?
Mark: Sevendust is always a favorite to perform with. Those guys are top notch performers and stand up guys. it says a lot about their character and drive. They are a band we all continue to look up to and strive to be at their level.
Lesli: What are your plans for the remainder of 2013?
Mark: We have been working on a bunch of new songs and we plan on heading into the studio with a few different producers to change up the feel. A July – September tour is being talked about as well.
Lesli: What inspires you as a musician? There must be easier jobs?
Mark: That feeling you get every night when you are onstage. Its like the most intense drug in the world, I’m addicted to it!
Lesli: Who do you think over time your most enduring influence has been? The one you keep going back to?
Mark: Thats a tough one, I have so many it really hard to just pick one. Deftones has always been a big influence.
Lesli: If you could have been a fly on the wall for the recording of any album at any point in time, just to see how the creators interacted what would it be for you and why?
Mark: I would have loved to be in the room for the Deftones “Saturday Night Wrist” album. That album is one that I always go back to and at any time in my life aim still blown away by it.
Lesli: What is the meaning of Life?
Mark: Good question… Still trying to figure that one out. Ask me in another 15 years, maybe ill be closer to the answer.