Honeymoon Disease – The Transcendence

Napalm Records - November 30th 2015

What an odd name for a band! ‘Honeymoon Disease’ is essentially cystitis caused by sexual activity; you know that burning sensation when you want to pee? No? Me neither… you must be alright then…
Whilst the name of the band might be essentially off-putting, thankfully the music here is far more palatable than that band name will ever be , which makes you wonder why, why, why!? Is Google pushing us to this? Are they courting one album notoriety? Well they shouldn’t be as there is so much more to offer here.
To our great relief once you’ve got past the name it’s heartening to hear a blast of Seventies Rock opener ‘Higher’ is tight and has a great chorus whilst ‘Stargazer’ takes us further on that 70’s trip before dumping you and stealing your keys.
It’s an album full of murky gems, all great uncomplicated heads-down 70’s throbbing, chugging rock like the proto-Runaways ‘Gotta Move’ or the very catchy ‘Rock n Roll Shock’.
This is a great slice of retro rock by a band that obviously loves what they d and actually sounds like they got in a room and played and have never heard of anything other than vinyl. Savour it people!

About Mark Diggins 1941 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer