Unashamedly 80’s Hair metal – Snakebite Whisky is another in a long line of Australian bands who manage to capture the essence of the scene back in the day. Only an ‘EP’ – ‘Two Steps to Oblivion’ adds five songs to the two on last years single, and to our ears things have gotten better.
Things open up strongly: ‘Two Steps to Oblivion’ the track itself sounds like an ‘under the weather’ L.A. Guns; while ‘Gasoline Bitches’ that follows adds swagger and wailing guitar till it swings like a sick Sea Hags or Rock City Angels. It’s all vintage, all big hair and it sounds like it’s gonna be a big night.
‘Moonshine Blind’ has probably the coolest guitar line here and maybe even the biggest chorus; ‘Shot of Cocaine’ is equally as good, rawer, more cowbell and dirty vocal; but it’s last song ‘All the Fucks’ which has a grittier Motley-like edge with a Motörhead meets Dangerous Toys vibe that might most impress some.
If you love your Sleaze this may well be worth checking out.