It’s been 24 years since Candlebox hit the ground running with their self-titled debut, which sold shedloads of copies riding the tail end of the grunge wave. Not that Candlebox were necessarily really grunge (though the name of course rather suggests they were). Now in 2016 we see the band down to one remaining member from those days – singer Kevin Martin who seems rather keen to put his mark on ‘Disappearing in Airports’.
There’s an almost modern singer-songwriter feel to opener ‘Only Because Of You’ which is all smooth and subtle and very grown up, allowing Martin’s voice to guide you, it’s a foretaste of the album to come but also somehow the song that most reminds you of what Candlebox were. The other side of the story is what they are now – those are the rockier numbers like first single ‘Vexatious’ – songs which have a bit more urgency and bite to them but retain a real pop sensibility.
This isn’t an album to blow your head off though, it’s subtle, it’s reserved but it’s damned well written. You might call it ‘light modern rock’ as on one hand tracks like ‘Spotlights’ and ‘Alive At Last’ are low key affairs which build slowly and on the other there’s the simmering life of harder tracks like ‘The Bridge’; ‘Crazy’; ‘Keep On Waiting’ and ‘God’s Gift’.
If you want an album with more subtlety and light and shade than most this might be the one for you. It’s mature, well written and whilst not wringing with emotion it certainly has its moments. Don’t expect searing guitars or dirt under the fingernails though, this is clean-cut, grown up and infuriatingly, foot-tappingly good.
Only Because of You
Alive at Last
I’ve Got a Gun
I Want It Back
The Bridge
Gods Gift
Keep on Waiting