As the singer for Edguy and Avantasia, Tobias Sammet is a musical adventurer who loves to create and perform music that is as epic and grand as it sounds. Currently promoting the new Avantasia album “Ghostlights” which features a plethora of guests including Geoff Tate, Bruce Kulick, Michael Kiske, Dee Snider, Marco Hietala, Jorn Lande and more so we had a lengthy chat with the man himself to discuss the new songs and a whole lot more.
Tobias: I’m really happy with the album and you always get a feeling for an album for how it’s perceived when you speak to the press when it leaks 5 weeks before it’s release and everybody knows it so that’s a pain in the arse. I got a feeling that it’s a great album and that people perceive it as that and when you do an album, you always do the same thing. You try to write great music and pretty much doing an album for me is not a job, it’s something I want to do because I believe in it, because it’s a hobby, because I hardly have any other hobbies so it’s what I do because I’m passionate about it. And that’s why I have a close and tight relationship with every piece of music I have come up with in my entire life because I never did it to be liked by somebody, never been fishing for compliments or approval but just because I wanted to have a good time doing it myself and excite myself. That was the same thing this time and I can’t say I enjoyed it more than recording any of the other albums I recorded, it was just as great but I have a feeling this time that the result is loved by a lot more people than usual. That’s just a natural feeling I get when speaking to press people so all I can say is that on top of being excited about it myself, this time it seems like the great majority…I don’t want to say of the earth’s population…but the great majority of the people in my musical universe seem to like it a little more than usual which is great!
Listen to the interview below: