Liberty and Justice – Life Songs (EP)

HighVol Music - January 2016

Christian Rockers ‘Liberty N Justice’ may have been around since 1991 but on an EP that features the vocals of  Larry Worley and all instruments by JK Northup and has no Justin Murr involvement it’s hard to say what’s going on behind the scenes.

Whatever might be happening back there, sonically it’s all good. Opener ‘You Got Love’ is a fiery Melodic Hard Rocker with a nice amount of guitar grunt set against a strummed refrain and works particularly well like everything here does. ‘My World’ is a nice mid-tempo rocker in a similar vein and ‘Only Choice’ rocks out nicely and melodically.

The only real odd one out here is the funkier and interesting ‘Gangster of Love’ though perhaps best of all is the coming of age song ‘And Again’ which for Melodic Rock lovers has a real Danger Danger feel to it that satisfies.

It may be five great songs but why it’s only an EP and not a full album I have no idea, I just ended up wanting more. Fans won’t be disappointed but the merely interested might not shell out for an EP when there are plenty of great Melodic Rock albums out so far this year.

About Mark Diggins 1941 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer