Always a fan of the sleazier end of the late eighties Sunset Strip, I love bands like Niterain who just seem to get it. If you liked 2013 debut ‘Crossfire’ then you’ll probably, like me, have been waiting for this one. Alternately if one look at the cover has you running for the hills then you’re missing out.
Yes you’ve heard it all before – Niterain is 80’s Sunset Strip Hard Rock with that Metal edge Motley took on for album number two: all spiky brisk riffage, sheer solos and high vocals and gang vocal harmonies. Add to that a great sense of Melody and an ear for a good hook and you have Niterain down.
Most of the songs are as tough and unrelenting as you’d imagine: hard rockers like ‘Come Out’, ‘The Threat’, ‘Vendetta’ and ‘Electric’ work well if straying little from the formula. It’s where they mix it up that makes you feel these guys are better than the pack: ‘Don’t Fade Away’ sounds cool and breezy, built on a pop foundation it’s the sort of song a band like Vains of Jenna would have got away with.
Then there’s the more Metal ‘#1 Bad Boy’ with its punky explosion and even a foray into Bluesier territory for ‘Something Ain’t Right’ -each in turn makes you wish they’d tried a little more in those directions.
Whilst the vocals here might be seen by some as an acquire taste they work for me. This is a great follow up, maybe not quite up to the standards set by ‘Crossfire’ but damned close.