Now Or Never was founded in 2012 by guitarist Ricky Marx (ex-Pretty Maids) and drummer Ranzo, who were joined soon after by vocalist Jo Amore (ex-Nightmare), and bass player Kenn Jackson (also a veteran ex-Pretty Maids member). Recording their self-titled debut album soon after the record was released by Mausoleum Records in early 2014.
Recording for their second album “II”, started in the fall of 2015 and here it is – a huge slab of Hard Rock that more than matches that debut. As for the sound – perhaps their bio says it best: “Now Or Never perform epic anthems featuring bone crushing filthy riffs and memorable melodies delivered by a singer whose has been justifiably described as bloodcurdling. Now Or Never epitomizes the evolution of Hard Rock into modern Metal Music”. Intrigued?
Well you should be as this is a more than decent listen for fans of metal with a modern approach, though be warned traditionalists as some of the touches might be a bit much for those with more rigid Metal leanings. The good news though is that this is well and truly a guitar album.
Where that template works best is on tracks like ‘I’ll be waiting’ which has AIC elements in the mix; elsewhere tracks like ‘The Answer’ could only be post 80’s. The best tracks will really depend on the flavour of Metal you favour for me it’s the more classic Maidenesque Power Metal of cuts like ‘Sonic Ecstasy’ and ‘I Shall Remain’ that just sound best. But the closing two tracks the Thrashy, Proggy Modern ‘Feel Alive’ and the balladic ‘Till the End of Time’ also kick some ass.
This is good Metal with an Alternative slant that doesn’t suffer from sounding dated or try hard. Nice!
The Voice Inside
Sonic Ecstasy
King for a Day
I Shall Remain
I’ll Be Waiting
The Answer
Save Me
Feel Alive
‘Til the End of Time