Well let’s get the formalities out of the way first shall we.. I think my hometown Melbourne boys The Radio Sun have just released my album of the year with their third release, Outside Looking In. I’ve been living with this for a few weeks now and trust me, it’s every bit as good as other 2016 melodic releases from the likes of Wigileus, Nordic Union, Palace and Treat to name a few. In fact, let’s take this one step further, Outside Looking In could very well prove to be Australia’s greatest contribution to melodic rock since Roxus released their all time classic Nightstreet back in 1991.
By no means were The Radio Sun’s prior two albums one dimensional, however they’ve delivered one hell of a melodic rock tour de force with this one, song variety in spades and an endless supply of monster hooks and memorable choruses. Can’t Get You Out Of My Head sure lives up to its claims and will be stuck in your head like glue for days. Bursting with energy, an incessant guitar riff, surging vocal harmonies that rival Nelson in their heyday and a chorus that doesn’t let down, it’s the perfect opening statement. Standing On The Edge Of Love had me hooked with the song title line alone. Throw in a crunchy guitar riff, a chorus that ebbs and flows before a euphoric crescendo, not to mention a guitar solo from Steve Janevski which screams Kee Marcello era Europe, it more than seals the deal. This is even better than the opener.
With such a frenetic opening double shot, the acoustic intro that announces You’ll Never Know may be a welcome reprieve for some, but damn if this doesn’t turn into arguably the heaviest song the guys have ever recorded. Metallic guitar riff and pounding drums courtesy of Ben Wignall, this would go brilliant live, which might just happen on the guys upcoming USA sojourn later this month. As part of their melodic arsenal, the guys have a knack for writing infectious guitar parts, enter one of the earlier single releases in Switch Off The World Tonight. It’s one of those mid tempo tracks that doesn’t hit you instantly, but has a chorus and lyrical throwback that will implant itself without you even realising.
“Your smile it’s ordinary….” and with that glorious opening refrain comes the melodic bliss of Broken. Keyboards aren’t usually a regular feature with The Radio Sun, but they indulge here to bring a splash of AOR. Jason Old delivers one mighty lead vocal performance, whilst the boys have delivered above and beyond as far as vocal harmonies go. My favorite track on the album and with an outro that doesn’t want to end, I get the feeling it could be a band favorite too. Guitarist Steve Janevski scorches throughout this album and takes things into Surfing With The Alien era Joe Satriani on the driving Fall To Pieces. For those into Steve’s guitar playing who haven’t yet checked out his power metal band Black Majesty, do your ears a favor and hear him in all his shredding glory.
The legend who is Paul Laine once again features as the bands 5th member, contributing his songwriting and production prowess. The Trixter styled modern melodic rock tinged Wink and Smile also offers him the chance to deliver a co-lead vocal. Whilst speaking of special guests, fellow Aussie, guitarist Brett Garsed (John Farnham, Nelson) features on Falling For You, power infused pop rock at its finest. A song that takes me back a decade to the days of Square One which was my first introduction to Jason, Steve and Ben.
The title track and the equally irresistible Baby Blue both drop the pace right back and display a softer side to The Radio Sun. In the midst of the melodic fury on the rest of the album, it might be easy to overlook these two, but given them a few listens and they’ll be sure to win you over. Speaking of melodic fury, the monsterous anthems of My Heart Is On Fire and Bulletproof proudly capture the bands influence from the likes of Firehouse, Winger and Dokken at their riff’tastic best.
Delivering two albums within the space of 12 months is no mean feat in itself, but considering The Radio Sun have upped the ante and unveiled a reputation affirming album is all the more impressive. In a scene where Frontiers Records and Sweden all to often to rule the roost, it’s time for the Aussie combination of The Radio Sun and Melodic Rock Records to buck the trend and deliver hands down one of the finest collections of melodic rock you’ll hear all year.
Can’t Get You Out Of My Head
Standing On The Edge Of Love
You’ll Never Know
Switch Off The World Tonight
Fall To Pieces
Wink & Smile
Outside Looking In
My Heart Is On Fire
Baby Blue
Falling For You