ALBUM REVIEW: 10 Rogue – Serpentine

BUT Records - October 20th 2017

There’s a real energy, chunky groove a great melody to ‘Erased’ the first song from 10 Rogue on this their debut album ‘Serpentine’. A multinational band 10 ROGUE, was founded in Johannesburg S Africa, but are now based in Belgium, and have been a going concern since 2014. It’s those three years of playing that seems to have paid off with ‘Serpentine’ coming across as a pretty classy affair with the drive and melodic sense of hard rock and a few aggressive touches of Metal to beef it all up.

One of the best aspects of this one though is the directness of the songs and their simplicity – it makes a lot of immediate connections when you strip away all the fancy stuff and get to the bones. So if you like your Rock radio-friendly with a modern sheen and nice touches of Hard Rock and AOR here and there then these guys are worth a listen.

Aside from the fine opener our picks of the bunch include the alt Metal stylings of ‘Disappear You’ and closer ‘When Ya Down’; but there’s also the rather Sleazy pair ‘Amphetamine’ and ‘You’re Killing Me’ which give a touch of the 80’s and the hook-laden ‘Get Myself Free’ and ‘Someday’ to balance it all out.

You’ll like this.

Serpentine track listing 
01 Erased. | 02 Amphetimine. | 03 Dark Angel Princess. | 04 Disappear You. | 05 Get Myself Free. | 06 I Am The Light. | 07 Know Better. | 08 Unscathed. | 09 Love Hate. | 10 You’re Killing Me. | 11 Some Day. | 12 Dysfunctional. | 13 When Ya Down.
10 Rogue is
Peter Evrard  vocals | Vincent Weynen  guitar | Zan Geerarts guitar | Stan Verfaillie bass | Bruno Goedhuys  drums

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Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer