ALBUM REVIEW: Kutschers Blues Band – The KE Sessions

Independent - October 13th 2017

If you like a little dirty indie Blues with plenty of groove and oozing cool then take a chance on Viennese three-piece Kutschers Blues Band who make some beautiful noise on their debut ‘The KE Sessions.’

Sure you wont find anything ground-breaking here, but if you like a dirty Blues-heavy, stoned grove and a sound where all of the instruments are made to bleed and meld and pull their weight you’ll love the rawness and thick bass of tracks like ‘Changes’ or opener ‘No1’.

Dig deeper and there’s plenty to savor – the big hits though come from the sheer variety. There’s the unhinged groove and wail of ‘Alcohol Smoke ‘n’ Scars’; the slow bluesier ‘Midnight Stranger’; the swing and crawl of ‘Beer Soldier’ and the brevity and eloquence of ‘Don’t Stop’ that has a little of Hendrix’ ‘Little Wing’ along with the melancholy of Mott in there. It’s also the only song here sung in German.

Locally band leader Stephan Kutscher is best known for his metal band Chaos Beyond and this project started when that band broke up. Here he’s produced a fine album -a wonderfully elemental take on the Blues of the 60’s and 70’s.

About Mark Diggins 1939 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer