Australian Blues is a rich and fertile land these days and whist there are a few agricultural labourers out there, there are also some real artisans who manage to consistently reinvent the landscape whilst showing the greatest of respect to their time-honoured tools and those that inhabited the landscape before them (OK enough agrarian metaphors already).
It’s been some time since Spiegel’s last studio album – 2010’s ‘Tangled Brew’ but he’s been far from lazy during that time, touring Europe, the US and closer to home and building a reputation as one of the leading lights in Australian contemporary Blues.
Starting with the laid back and beautifully-crafted ‘Devil on My Shoulder’ and the sweet shuffle of ‘All the Cats are Grey’ Spiegel makes and assured and mature opening statement. This isn’t music to blast out of your stereo, its music to chill to and maybe sip a glass or two along the way. Spiegel’s great strength to me has always been his ability to weave music that sounds like it’s been aged in oak barrels and carefully looked after before you get your first taste. It sounds ‘vintage’ from the moment you drink it in.
As songs go there’s nothing here that doesn’t enhance the smooth feel of the whole, nothing that doesn’t work, nothing that doesn’t flow and you know what? he’s not bad at painting a picture either whether it be of life on the road (‘This Time Tomorrow’) or revisiting old haunts and old friends (‘Kansas City Katy’).
Everywhere you look there’s soul, feel and a slick, honed precision that beautifully suits Lloyd’s guitar style and vocal. ‘Lost Like Me’ also shows his ability to be as economical as possible clocking in at just 2.33.
Highlights have to be the slick opening number and first single ‘Devil on My Shoulder’ and the New Orleans vibe of ‘Cure My Soul’. But there’s nothing here not in the running, and just maybe he saves the best for last – the wonderful slow Blues of ‘Call You When I Get There’.
This isn’t just great Australian Blues Music this is simply great music and if you love the Blues you need to hear it.
visit: www.lloydspiegel.com