Everything that was once old is new again and vice versa. Today the kids that reject the eighties and nineties rock put of hand seem to want to embrace the 7o’s and of course there’s nothing wrong with that.
Italian group, Sons Of Revolution claim to be dragging their audience “kicking and screaming through classic rock tunes that echo the 60s & 70s. Like a cross between Rival Sons and Led Zeppelin, they are a touch that never stings with tunes that caresses and cajoles. With their feet planted firmly in the blues rock category but their heads heading into the future, their sound is at the center of an perfect triangle with the points being such luminaries as the Rolling Stones, Black Keys and Jane’s Addiction”. Well that’s all rather grand and it may well be how they feel but it’s not exactly as it comes across.
Opener ‘Feel like Crying’ has a nice groove and a classic rock sway but a post 90’s vocal that might well be an acquired taste, taking the music in a direction that is part revivalist and part reinvention. ‘I’m Falling’ has a similar alt-rock leaning and a vocal that distracts from some pretty damn fine guitar work and really that’s my gripe with the album, musically its dynamic, interesting and proficient in an ‘everything new is old again’ type way but the vocals pin it distinctly to the early nineties sounds of the bands that evolved alongside Grunge without really embracing it or rejecting it.
By the time the Zeppelinesque strains of ‘I’m Comin’ Home’ kick in I’m dreading the vocal and indeed they do deaden what might have been another great stab with their ‘shoegazery’ thrust and wilful disinterest. And that is pretty much the story of the album – and don’t get me wrong I’m sure some will love what Paolo Ceruitanao does with the vocals – its just that I don’t feel the connection. Interesting album though, well worth a listen
Best tracks here? Check out ‘Wasted Youth’ and closer ‘Slide ’em’…
Track Listing:
01. I Feel Like Crying | 02. I’m Falling | 03. I’m Coming Home | 04. Wasted Youth | 05. Stonewood | 06. No Way Out | 07. Rebel For A Day | 08. Grace | 09. Slide ‘Em
Sons of Revolution are:
Paolo Ceritano – Vocals | Mario Alessiani – Guitar | Romolo Di Gregorio – Drums | Davide Coccagna – Bass