Dallas residents ‘Three Lane Road’ are purveyors of some mighty fine Melodic Hard Rock and there’s little doubt about that. It’s a genre that is going through a rather extravagant resurgence at the moment, with bands popping up all over the globe who can hit all the right notes, evoke a real feel for Rock’s history and craft a fine tune or two. Three Lane Road on the basis of this, their debut, are up there with the brightest of those lights and it all comes down to the songs.
Taking their cue from the big names of yesteryear – Bon Jovi and Journey spring to mind, together with a heavier touch that evokes early Dokken and Skid Row this is an ‘almost’ album (there’s 6 tracks here) that sounds like a band that has been together longer than their 3 year history.
The EP opens up with first single ‘I Want’ and immediately establishes that the band more than knows what constitutes a great hook and a sizzling melody – it’s a song that has bite and tome a real early 80’s flavor in the Metallic riffing before the soaring chorus.
After that there’s the opening Dokken-like burst of ‘I’ll Fly With You’ which quickly transforms into a nice mid tempo rocker that’s right up there with the opener. ‘Strange Way’ that follows might even be the most solid track here, it’s great Melodic Rock with some great guitar.
When you get to ‘Time of Our Lives’ you realise how solid this release is, it’s a slight diversion, a loftier ideal, more epic in stature with a different sound but it fits nicely here and still rocks. ‘Dreams’ brings you back to the sound established at the start of the EP – there’s definitely Journey in there and its all the sweeter for it.
Ending with an anthem, and a great one at that in ‘Lift Me Up’ rounds out the EP nicely and just might be the best possible way to get your first runs on the board. I love surprises like this – it’s a record that just keeps on giving, can’t wait for the full length outing.