Bunbury metal act Medusa’s Gaze announce ‘Rise of the Gorgon’ album

Medusa's Gaze


Hailing from the south western city of Bunbury, Western Australia, Medusa’s Gaze have been busy laying down a solid foundation with their crushing debut album Rise Of The Gorgon due for release on December 1st.

7 years since the bands conception, Medusa’s Gaze have taken their time to hone their craft, drawing influence from Heavy Metal Gods such as Trivium, Machine Head, Opeth & Nevermore.

The band consists of vocal powerhouse Adam McDonald, band mastermind Ryan Pearce on lead guitar & vocals, guitarist Troy Schwab, hard hitting Gracie Smith on drums & Theuns Olckers on bass.


Check out the new single Beyond The Gallows here


Rise Of The Gorgon will be available in CD format along with T-shirts from their Bigcartel site, digital download from Bandcamp & streaming from all the usual outlets.

Furthermore, Medusa’s Gaze will celebrate the release of the album with a live performance at Tetsuo NC in Perth from 8pm on the day of release, Friday December 1st with Nucleust, Sheol of Abaddon & Banyon in support. Event information is here.

Plans are in place to take the album live across Australia in 2018 & their future sights are set on international distribution & tours!


Medusa's Gaze - Rise Of The Gorgon

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.