After taking his punk rock Simpsons tribute album to Brisbane earlier this month for a live show during BIGSOUND, WA rocker Dan Cribb has announced the project will go into next year as a handful more guests sign on.
This month’s song, Drop Da Bomb (Yvan Eht Nioj) featuring The Stiffys’ Jason Leigh on guest vocal duties, marks 12 songs on Cribb’s Worst Tribute Ever release, which includes cameos from members of Luca Brasi, Ball Park Music, Polish Club and more.
The initial plan was to release 12 songs in as many months, but Cribb’s since signed on more exciting guests, meaning what was going to be the finale is now a mid-way point, with favourites Monorail, See My Vest, Kwik-E-Mart and more still to be released.
Drop Da Bomb is taken from season 12 episode New Kids On The Blecch, and is performed by Bart, Milhouse, Nelson and Ralph as Party Posse.
“Given that Jason has spent most of his musical career dressed as a sailor, there was really no other song he could do,” Cribb says.
“I met Jason back in 2013 when I was playing bass in David Liebe Hart’s (Tim & Eric) band around Australia and The Stiffys were supporting. They sing about important things like kickflips and champagne, which is an interesting contrast to his soaring rock vocals, and why his appearance on Worst Tribute Ever worked so well.”