Earthside release MUST SEE cinematic music video for ‘A Dream In Static’

Featuring Daniel Tompkins (TesseracT)

Hailing from New England, USA – The modern, progressive band Earthside have unleashed a brand new cinematic music video for ‘A Dream In Static’, featuring Dan Tompkins (Tesseract, Skyharbor)

“The band once again strikes a winning formula with feature film-caliber video”

The track is taken from the widely acclaimed debut album ‘A Dream In Static’ – The groups conceptual mission statement, is a story of purposeful sacrifice and existential yearning told across sweeping instrumental movements and adventurous vocal composition. Earthside entertain an ever-changing sound that is equally engrossing. alongside a work of cinematic art.

The video is a spellbinding and captivating explosion of cinematography that captures the true meaning behind the song.

Daniel Tompkins says this about working with Earthside on the track

“Earthside are a group of extremely talented and driven musicians. Working with them was nothing short of pleasure; they had a specific vision and definitely helped draw out some exciting tones in my vocal performance

The title track “A Dream In Static”  was directed by Erez Bader of Silent Flight Productions (The Dear Hunter, The Contortionist).

Ben Shambrom says this about the song

“All four members of Earthside contributed significant compositional ideas to ‘A Dream In Static’, and the melodies and lyrics Dan so expertly delivers are also a reflection of that collaborative writing style, with three of the four of us also writing the vocal ideas as well.

‘A Dream In Static’ seems to be one of the songs on the record that most immediately catches people and elicits a strong emotional response. Knowing this, we wanted to give the track and Daniel Tompkins’ truly outstanding work on it the spotlight it deserved. The narrative video we crafted alongside director Erez Bader of Silent Flight Productions afforded us this opportunity and adds a new layer of depth and self-discovery to the song itself.”

About Andrew Massie 1425 Articles
Manager, Online Editor, Publicity & Press. A passionate metal and rock fan with a keen interest in everything from classic rock to extreme metal and everything between.