EP REVIEW: Rosemont – Rosemont

Self-Released - August 26th 2017

If the name ‘Rosemont’ is unfamiliar to you then cast your mind back to cast your mind back to 2013 and ‘First Taste’ the debut album from a South Australian Sleaze Rock band with the rather evocative name ‘Love Cream’ (OUR REVIEW HERE). Well it seems ‘Love Cream’ has lost a drummer and with it a name and the band has evolved into the far less controversially named ‘Rosemont’.

If you wanted to know if things had dramatically changed then fear not – as the press release says: “… as Rosemont, they are bringing the party back to rock n roll, with catchy choruses and headbanging riffs and a funky new drummer … and plan to bring good ol’ Aussie Rock back to the ears of fans the world over.

So as someone who was partial to a little Love Cream the big question is has their power diminished with the loss of the name? The only way to find out is to dive right in right?

I’m immediately somewhat reassured that the cowbell is out for opener ‘Moving On’ a groovy, melodic slice of retro rock with a fresh 80’s poppy aspect and a refrain that sticks.It’s a decent enough start and you’ll find as I do that the song itself gets even better with each listen.

‘Waiting’ the next track is where it gets interesting, my first thought was early Kiss (you’ll know the song) but the riff it rides has a rather nice groove and again the refrain fits like a glove. There’s almost a step back in time here from the Love Cream days where the Sunset Strip sound was clearly in the sights. Here we’re more groove oriented, closer to the 70’s, freer, maturer (dare I say) and there’s a far more expansive sound on display.

‘Feeling Called Love’ the single from the EP has you thinking of a funkier Primal Scream, now it’s a bloody great song and very different in direction to the rest of the EP here which kind of puts you in an awkward position – there’s not doubt what you’re hearing here is very good indeed but on a five track EP what direction are the band taking? Thankfully irrespective of the answer its not hard to recommend great tunes.

‘Taking Time’ is funky, poppy and yet not as far away from the  ethos of ‘Love Cream’ as you might expect, sure the 80’s sleazy ‘hair metal’ sound has slipped into the background, but these guys still rock, just in a new way – the core of great tunes and big hooks is still there its just that the style and the patina that’s changed. ‘Taking Time’ even includes a funky breakdown that slices the song in half before a crazy solo and return to the refrain cuts back in.  I’ll admit it takes a few listens but I love the energy.

‘Out of Air’ the EP closer conversely really rides a nice lusty bass line and kicks in with a suitably huge chorus. There’s real groove a nice high register pop infused vocal and a hook large enough to hook a very big thing indeed. It’s my standout here – a little retro, a lot rock and inconceivably cool.

I like this a lot and the diversity is very much a part of that appeal to me. I find it interesting that I loved Love Cream but for almost completely different reasons. This EP has so much diversity on display that it’s scary to think what might come next, but comforting in that you know whatever it is it will sound damn good. Yes you need to hear this…


The EP is available for purchase from August 26th from https://rosemontaus.bandcamp.com/

And our music video for single “Feeling Called Love” was released yesterday here:

About Mark Diggins 1956 Articles
Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer