Heavy Music For Mental Health announced at Melbourne’s Bang

Destroy All Lines and Friends Like Us proudly present “HEAVY: MUSIC FOR MENTAL HEALTH” on Saturday 19th August. An open invitation for friends, family and even strangers to create awareness and break down the stigma of mental health.

Chester Bennington’s death has rocked the musical community and brought to light the issues and stigma surrounding mental health, especially within music and the heavy music scene. Amidst this tragedy however are the brave stories of those opening up about their own struggles with mental health, letting others know it’s okay to talk about these things and breaking down the stigma that many face.

Destroy All Lines and Bang! have pledged $10 from every ticket sale towards Beyond Blue to further their tireless work towards providing the information and support for everyone in Australia to achieve their best possible mental health, whatever their age and wherever they live.

Bang have delivered a very special evening;



Heavy Music For Mental Health

About The Rockpit 13334 Articles
The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.