Liam Gallagher Aussie Debut Shows Sold Out, Venues Upgraded

Liam GallagherFans have gone absolutely mad for Brit-pop icon Liam Gallagher’s debut shows in Sydney & Melbourne this summer, with tickets selling faster than you can say WhatsApp Ricky! With the shows selling out in record time this morning, we didn’t want to leave any Gallagher fans disappointed and ticketless, so due to the overwhelming demand we are excited to announce venue upgrades in both cities:

Thu 4 Jan – Hordern Pavilion, Sydney

Fri 5 Jan – Festival Hall, Melbourne
Tickets on sale 12pm AEST, Tuesday October 3

His forthcoming debut solo album As You Were confirms that he is as much of a legend now as he ever was, with lead single Wall of Glass already clocking up over 11 million streams on Spotify in just under two months. Lending his voice to a myriad of sing-along tracks as front man of Oasis, including classics like ‘Live Forever’, ‘Morning Glory’, ‘Wonderwall’, and now with new solo material under his belt, get your vocal chords prepped and ready for a show you won’t want to miss!

Ticketing Information
If you bought tickets to the original shows at the Enmore Theatre, Sydney or Forum, Melbourne, your current tickets remain valid for the new show. Simply present your ticket and corresponding valid photo ID at the door and enjoy the show!

For any enquiries regarding your tickets please contact the venue’s box office direct.


Liam Gallagher

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.