With the recent news that both Classic Rock Magazine and Metal Hammer were under threat of closure we look at the latest physical offering to hit the streets for fans of rock music…
Planet Rock Radio has been on air in the UK since NOVEMBER 1999, so it is surprising that it has taken until now to take the big step into branching out into the written format too.
Over the years they have had some amazing presenters and guest presenters including TONY IOMMI and JOEY TEMPEST but none have ever surpassed the legendary RICK WAKEMAN, who had his own show for five years. The only person I have ever listened to on radio, who I wished would talk more and play less music. Some of his stories and jokes had to be heard to be believed !!
Now with a roster of presenters include JOE ELLIOTT, DANNY BOWES, ALICE COOPER and THE HAIRY BIKERS !!
So, what do we have here then ?
Weighing in with a mighty 130 pages and a lovely shiny MOTORHEAD cover issue one of the magazine is impressive. Inside there are massive features on DEF LEPPARD`s HYSTERIA, GRAHAM BONNET, MOTORHEAD and AEROSMITH but that just scratches the surface.
Of course unlike pre-internet days it is difficult in a magazine that (looks like it) will be published every two months, to be current with the news but that’s not what magazines are for and not what readers expect. That after all is what the web-site is for. The magazine is jam packed with features.
Taking a very well balanced mix of old and new from KISS to BLUES PILLS, from UFO to THE MAGPIE SALUTE it all works and it all works perfectly. The album reviews, both new and re-issues, are many and thorough and the live reviews, although sadly lacking in number are very good indeed. Indeed the only flaw I can see at this stage is that lack of live reviews. Hopefully this may change and the time goes on.
Issue 2 is out on the 7th of July. If the team can keep this standard up, this is going to be mightily impressive.
Get it from here: