Mecha Mecha release driving, EP-teasing single ‘Your Choice’

Mecha Mecha


Muse inspired trio Mecha Mecha have released second single Your Choice, the aggressive follow up to their lighter single Dealbreaker.

Your Choice is the second taste Mecha Mecha have given from their upcoming, sophomore EP ‘Blink & You’ll Miss It’ set for release on Friday, July 28.

To celebrate the release of ‘Blink & You’ll Miss It’ the Mecha Mecha crew will be playing a massive launch show at Black Bear Lodge with Trails and Hooch on Thursday, July 27. Grab your tickets here.

Your Choice came about as the culmination of two distinct influences, these influences touch every part of the song from instrumentation to themes and lyrics.

“I was right in the thick of listening to Rage Against The Machine all day every day, and started jamming along to them, as well as some Jeff Buckley. The some came as a result of combining those two influences,” said vocalist and guitarist, Walter Webb.

Your Choice is about the process of learning to let go of people who you don’t need in your life, and delegating peoples roles in your life differently. Sometimes in life we’re due a significant change, and letting go of the right people can be the catalyst for that,” said Webb.

For drummer Angelo Webb, the more powerful structure of Your Choice gives him to opportunity to really shine.

“It’s basically a heavier, blues groove stacked with all of the grit we could muster. As the drummer this song personally portrays my rawest grooves,” said Angelo.

Despite the brevity of Your ChoiceMecha Mecha retain their unique, quirky charm.

.”It’s our rawest, heaviest song.It sounds like the sadness of a panda finding its favorite valley completely devoid of bamboo,” said bassist and violinist, Issac Vincent.


Mecha Mecha

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