Metal United Down Under is now in it’s 4th year and will once again celebrate heavy metal across Australia on September 16th. The Rockpit is proud to be helping promote the event as a media partner again, below is an update from the event organiser.
Most line-ups are nearly finished and the first bands have been announced:
Roy Mackonkey, Assailant, F.E.M.A and SUMMIT NT are part of the Darwin show. For the first time, MUDU Darwin will have an interstate headliner. But who? More information will be available soon.
LOCUS, Hybridized, Be Faced and Last 9 Days will join a massive event in Lismore where Pulpitation Music Promotions are planning a 12 hour show. Newcastle has their line-up finished but keeps it from us for a little longer. What we know is that 8 hours of Newcastle metal are planned.
Orange joins MUDU for the first time and the guys from Stone Sovereign and 4On The Floor have their 4 band show finalised already: Infested Entrails, Stone Sovereign, Enfiled and Terra Mortem. Melbourne has also finalised their line-up with some exciting news which we hopefully can spread soon.
Besides MUDU shows and lineups, we are happy to announce yet another year of a great media partner and supporter panel. MUDU is getting helpful assistance with spreading the word by a range of webzines, radio shows and other supporting metal institutions. There are also a few international media partners who tell the rest of the world about our event: Metal Temple has been supporting us from the very beginning and Bravewords, East Jakarta Media, Transcending Obscurity and Metal Nation Radio are also returning to our media panel. In Australia, Metal Obsession,The Rockpit and Voltage Media share our news. Radio shows 4zzz The Doc & The Metal Maiden, Aussie Ossie Radio, DJ DevilPope, Collision, Killawatts, Rabid Noise and Three D Radio play support us audibly. Death To All But Metal and the Hard Rock Show will give the event a mention and all this leads into some good warm up for the big event. A complete overview of our partners can be found here: Partnerlist.
Metal United Down Under (MUDU) is an initiative to create a united event with many Australian cities and a wide range of metal and metal related genres. In 2017, 15 cities are participating and putting on a MUDU show. All shows take place on the same day under the same banner. MUDU offers bands a stage to extend reach and fan base and targets specifically Australian underground metal bands. On average 100 bands per year have participated over the last three years and we’re starting to announce line-ups.
The following cities will be part of the fourth installment of MUDU:
Adelaide: Enigma Bar (Promoter: McEwen DIY Management & Touring)
Bendigo: MusicMan Megastore (Promoter: MusicMan Megastore)
Brisbane: The Backroom (Promoter: Metal of Honor)
Canberra: The Basement (Promoter: Lord Ragnar)
Darwin: Chippo Live (Promoter: Hard-E Productions)
Hervey Bay (Promoter: Impale The Heart Productions)
Hobart (Promoter: Tyrantula Productions)
Lismore: New Tattersalls Hotel (Promoter: Pulpitation Music Promotions)
Melbourne (Promoter: Megaton Music)
Newcastle: The Vault (Promoter: The Vault)
Orange: Victoria Hotel (Promoter: 4 On The Floor)
Perth (Promoter: Executioner Productions)
Port Pirie: (Promoter: Fuck Copyright Promotions)
Sydney: The Bald Faced Stag (Promoter: Metal-Roos & Deaf To All But Metal)
Wollongong (Promoter: Carbon Black)
For more info head to the official Metal United Down Under page