Spectral Fires release awesome video for single ‘Left Behind’

Spectral Fires


Melbourne’s Spectral Fires today release their video for single, ‘Left Behind’ – which was part of their 2016 EP ‘Wayfarer’.

This track, Left Behind, like much of the Wayfarer EP, is about moving on from one place or state of mind – whether by determination or circumstance. The verses reflect the point of view of a person picking up and moving on from a situation and the people around him or her by way of concerted self-determination. The chorus on the other hand is a connected but different point of view, of someone who is finding it is becoming more difficult to connect with the people around them as a result of diverging mindsets. The bridge sort of continues on that second thread, looking back on things you used to say and do, but then became dissatisfied or fed up with. The band just wanted to make song that is loud, agitated and worth screaming to the sky.

The excellent video was shot and edited by Cian Marangos and the concept for the video draws on the song’s theme of journeying in search of something better than where you came from, and centres on this wayfaring dude (Jack) marching around on the outskirts of civilisation. On the way, he links up with other wandering souls and things get a little trippy!

Harry Pratt, Guitarist for the band, said of the video clip, “The shoot took a full day and was shot out near Little River, west of Melbourne. We hired a 1970s Kombi van to drive around, and dragged our friends out to the middle of nowhere to put on whacky outfits and drink beers, and we’re stoked with the result! It was hard work, but a heap of fun!

The WAYFARER EP, including this track Left Behind, was recorded by internationally renowned producer Jay Maas (formerly of Defeater). Noted among their peers for their original take on melodic hardcore and high-energy live shows, Spectral Fires have shared the stage with the likes of Dream On, Dreamer, Ocean Grove, Belle Haven, Trophy Eyes, Antagonist AD, Columbus and many more.

Spectral Fires’ WAYFARER E.P. is available now iTunes, Spotify and at the Collision Course webstore through MGM Distribution


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