Sunshine Coast Nu-Metal outfit New Clear Vision release ‘No More Screams’ single

New Clear Vision


Sunshine Coast nu-metal outfit, New Clear Vision have slammed a whole load of riffage, guttural vocals and drum blasts into their new single, ‘No More Screams’, the first official track off their upcoming debut album, which tackles the serious, grim topic of domestic abuse.

Produced by Trevor Stefiuk, and recorded at Wagwurst Studio, ‘No More Screams’ conjures siren-like guitars, and an ominous back and forth rhythm section groove, all chunkified  in a two-minute hammerfest, with vocalist Brad Bromfield switching between possessed gravel-throat barking and trademark nu-metal raps.

The single also features a guest face-melting solo from guitarist (and creator of fantastic disturbing art), Rob Stanley.

It’s just a taste of what is to come from their full-length debut, and New Clear Vision will be proudly touring this single on the ‘Open Your Eyes’ Tour through South East Queensland over the next few months, including slots on Outmoshyama Festival, Shredfest, and Metal United Downunder.

Of the single, Brad said that it tackles the grim issue of domestic abuse, a subject that is all-too-close to home, having had someone close to him lose their life within the last few years, and the fallout that the loss of life has on their children.

“It’s basically about domestic abuse and the resulting death, but the death is not to the person on the receiving end of the abuse, it is to the abuser,” he said.

“It’s pretty much what I would like to do to those who abuse… the message is simple; don’t abuse women, or drastic measures will be applied.”

Are we seeing a resurgence of nu-metal on the Australian scene?  Well, New Clear Vision is definitely flying the flag for chunkier, groove-based heavy music, that’s for sure.

Catch New Clear Vision on their ‘Open Your Eyes’ Tour from July 1st through till the end of September.


Open Your Eyes Tour

1st July – Garethstock, Greenslopes Bowls Club

14th July – Apples to Androids Tour, The V Room Noosa

15th July – Outmoshyama Festival, Greenslopes Bowls Club

25th August – Shredfest, Chardon’s Corner Hotel

1st September – P.O.W. Hotel, Nundah

16th September – Metal United Downunder, Hervey Bay Hotel

30th September – Psycho Circus, The Brightside (Brisbane)

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.