5 years ago, the record was written, the release date was set and everything was coming up roses for the budding young artist. Devastatingly, Toni Bird’s co-writer and mentor suddenly passed away before the record was able to see the light of day. The emotional blow took Bird away from music on a soul searching journey “My world crumbled and I just couldn’t bring myself to keep making music without him”. It took an invite to hit the road with blues/rock band ‘Nat Col & the Kings’ and a chance encounter with fierce frontwoman Dallas Frasca to bring Bird back to music.
Toni and the Stonehearts hit the ground running with 100% full throttle single ‘No Turning Back’. Influences of this generation’s great front women, Susi De Marchi, Grace Potter and Sarah Mcleod shine through and are matched perfectly with Bird’s almighty vocals and the tracks epic riffage. Recorded at Def Wolf Studios which has seen aussie legends DMA’s, Hockey Dad and Deep Sea Arcade grace its halls, the Sydney studio’s were the perfect home for Bird’s return to music “It was really important to me that we kept that energy. We tracked everything live first, vibing in the same room together and then used that to lay down the parts. I really love the way the old school rock ‘n’ roll tracks translate the same energy that you get on stage into the recording and that’s something I didn’t want to lose when it was our turn”
Toni Bird and the Stonehearts will be touring ‘No Turning Back’ in 2018.
Sunday 4th February Lass O’Gowrie Newcastle
Friday 9th February Whole Lotta Love Bar Melbourne
Saturday 3rd March Frankie’s Pizza Sydney
‘No Turning Back’ will be released Friday 1st December 2017
www.toniandthestonehearts.com I www.youtube.com/user/tonibirdtv
Instagram@toniandthestonehearts I Twitter @tonistoneheart