West Thebarton Announce New Club Shows & Bigsound Appearances

West Thebarton


Still flushed from their recent name change and the addition of smashing new drummer Caitlin Thomas, Adelaide’s seven-headed rock-hydra WEST THEBARTON are lined up for a whirlwind tour. 

Kicking the party into gear, the no-frills max-vibe garage rockers will reappear at Australia’s loosest music conference BIGSOUND, amongst the cream of the Aussie music crop. Then they’ll jaunt down the east coast for a wild club show at Melbourne’s Worker’s Club and their BIGGEST headline show to date at Adelaide’s Fat Controller. Ripper.

They’re also right on the edge of letting new tunes spill outta their locker. Reverend Ray and the gang have been committing their suburban homilies to tape, and they’re sounding tip top. Jammed with even more charm and excitement than their ‘Moving Out‘ and ‘Red or White‘ singles.

Guitarist/drummer B.B. Bolado prosthelytised, “after releasing ‘Moving Out’ and completing the debut album, the last six months have been a noisy blur for us and we’ve never felt better with our live show. It’s a good time to jump out of the cold and jump around to some new music.”

Darn it, if these aren’t good reasons to throw oneself prostrate at the alter of gritty soul-filled rock’n’roll, we don’t know what are. See you at the bar.


123 Agency, Deathproof & Fidelity Corp. present…


Friday 8 September
Workers Club, Melbourne
Tickets on sale HERE

Friday 22 September 
Fat Controller, Adelaide
Tickets on sale HERE


West Thebarton

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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.