ALBUM REVIEW: Drama Queen – Drama Queen

If you crave a fun 80’s Hard Rocking fix then look now further than Rockford IL and Drama Queen who released their debut album via Drama Queen Media Inc in March.It may just be one of the gems of this year’s hard rock releases.

Opening track ‘Lovin’ You’ sets out the stall nicely with the band coming across like the hybrid of Kix, Def Leppard and the cream of late eighties hard rock with a definite sleazy edge that might remind you of vintage Faster Pussycat at other moments here.

‘Fine Line’ starts slow and crawls on up to you, it’s a dirty little number that rests a little too much on the chorus but shows that there’s plenty in the tank. And that theory is immediately confirmed by ‘Red Rocker Girl’ has the swagger of Aerosmith but with a harder almost W.A.S.P.-like edge that suits the vocal well.

Deeper into the album ‘Stop Me From Crying’ lands us in ballad territory but it’s one of those smoky eighties ballads that really reminds me of those times you find a hidden gem from back in the day and immediately want to tell everyone about it. it’s a great song that I immediately want more of (and I’m not often apt to say that about ballads).

‘You’re Going Down Tonight’ has a Dokken-like feel to it and again definite vocal similarities to W.A.S.P. it’s a mid paced rocker that does the job before  ‘We’re on Fire’ really show you how solid this band are – every song here sounds authentic, vintage and would stand up against so much music released at the height of eighties rock’s mainstream flirtation, and this one is the hardest here.

There’s a slight flirtation with that chugging mid-paced rocker bands like Scorpions did so well in the title track, before one of the real highlights ‘Welcome to the Party’ hits, and whilst the album’s certainly done far more than simply got the foot tapping so far, this is one of the songs that lifts it another level.  A great riff an insistent refrain and just that vibe of a bygone age when rock could raise you from your daily grind and open up the promise of the weekend for a generation of pre computer-screen-fixated kids.

With tons of cool, a great positive attitude and considerable chops on display fro all concerned I’ve already more than got my money’s worth and we’re still only two thirds gone!

Unsurprisingly the album rounds out just as strongly, with the Dokken-like opening for ‘Get Ready For Love’ leading int a rather more upbeat chorus before fading back to the gentler verse, it’s a nice hybrid approach that gives the song a nice flavour and a Shark Island feel and its own kind of cool.

Of all the songs on the album it’s only ‘All I ever Wanted’ that doesn’t grab me immediately, it’s a nice enough song, gentle, breezy but in this company just feels a little in the shade. ‘Annie’ takes us hastily back on track – a nice thrusting rocker inspired by the story of Stryper’s Oz Fox’s wife Annie Lobert (check out the video they put out last year).

We close all too soon (OK it’s 12 tracks were being greedy) with ‘We’re on Fire’ a song which adds a little modern twist to the mix, still grounded firmly in the gloriously lush eighties sound it’s staccato spikes and smooth lead give it a modern edge in a classic tale of opposites attracting.

I expect big things of this band in years to come – this is one of the best debuts I’ve heard in quite some time.


Drama Queen is:
Tee Sing – Lead Vocals | Matt Vogt – Guitarist | Jim Michelsen – Guitarist & Backing Vocals | Rob Pace – Drums |      Tara Sheetz – Keyboards & Backing Vocals | J-Ro Rostamo – Bass


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Website Editor Head of Hard Rock and Blues Photographer and interviewer