THE FUTURE is NOW!! Or so it would seem coming from the Pennsylvania band, FROM ASHES TO NEW as they enter with their latest record from Better Noise Records. Look, I don’t know about you Lovelies, but there is a reason that music from bands that fuse a variety of styles in their very essence, gain gazillions of fans. Look at LINKIN PARK or LIMP BIZKIT, or EMINEM; these artists have fans that zigzag around the genre chart of music. The elements of hip hop, rock, metal, pop, and electronica are found within the tracks of The Future which is one reason I dig it and fans of these genres will too.
I am crazy about this record for all of the little pieces that I love off each track that make it whole. It is a killer record so pick it up today and if you wanna go listen on Spotify and follow along track by track, go for it! Are y’all ready? Here we go:
WAKE UP – I like some chunky guitars in the intro of this track and what follows is even better! The nu-metal pops in with the guitar and bass connects an electrifying current to the ending that surprised the shit out of me! I love the way Danny (I think?) uses his voice in the spoken parts. Who doesn’t love early morning goosebumps from the first track of new release?? I certainly do!! Hellzyes!
CRAZY – the beauty of this song is in the mix of the badassness of the chorus with the verse and the combination of the rap with the light and fluffy parts of the acoustic guitar and the electric pieces that swoop in as Danny sings. Not to mention, the meaning of this song is spot on relatable to everyone that has a pulse. Oh, and PS “no, you’re not going crazy” it’s totally not you…
MY NAME – come ON! This track jumped off the browser and punched me right in the face! Nicely done, metal rapping – or rock rapping – what do you call this? I call it kickass, TBH. Danny and/or Matt uses some nice jumps in the rhythm to make the rap stick to the back of the parts he sings. Plus, everyone needs a song that tells the world to fuck off and ‘know my name”. I am borrowing this as my new anthem for 2018. #squadgoals
GONE FOREVER – great Scott!! I totally dig the guitar riff and tone that stars this song off. I also can get behind the vocal in this track that is just a little bit grittier than on the first 3 tracks. It speaks for the track and for Danny’s versatility or the teamwork of Danny and Matt – it’s bad to the bone. The tempo is surprisingly perfect in relaying the message of this ballad and fuck you song all wrapped up into one. Which saves time and I’m all about that.
BROKEN – I’m glad I’m not the only one that can admit that there are or were parts that are broken. Let me say right here that Danny’s tongue is tied but not in the way you think – it’s tied up in being kick ass! It’s the way the riff behind his rap is heavy and makes me wanna learn to rap so we can do a duet! (And those that know me, know that this is more funny strange, than funny ha ha…I mean look at me, can you see me throwing down words like this? Ya, no – but it’s still a cool thing to think about!) Nice pulse at the end of the song – I would LOVE to feel and see this song live. I bet it slays!!
FORGOTTEN – what is this? Shut, the, front, and back, doors!! Godamit, I am so happy that nu-metal has made a strong comeback. I love the way this song flows and as I’m listening, I’m typing with the beat in the vocal and the synths in the background, just FYI. What I love about this song is the power that hides in the tempo and comes out like a lion – just when you need it to, you know? Nicely done with the airy guitars and the drums are pretty hot. This track talks about being forgotten all the while you’re in a trance from the backing buzz is making you come up for air, as you are remembering…strange how that works. The percussion work in this track specifically, is perfect.
ENEMY – we all have them now and again and like the lyrics whisper, we are normally our own worst enemy. The chorus of this track is fucking spot on. Why does this style of music evoke such a reaction from me? Is it my generation? Partly – maybe, but highly doubtful as being the main reason. It’s the way the guitars bounce off the melody and the pauses that allow me to catch my breath, and then jump right back in. I love the surge of the chorus here – right to the pause as the bands steps off on the back of a badass bass riff and the chunka-chunkas of the guitar tones. Love all of what From Ashes To New brings out in this song.
NOWHERE TO RUN – interesting Team Jacob-themed track. But even though I’m aware of the subject, it doesn’t make any difference because the coolness of this track takes over and I forget we’re talking about werewolves. It’s catchy, head-bobbing, and body-swaying – this is one of those sleeper tracks. It shouldn’t be one of my favs – but could be. From Ashes to New is the wolf and everyone that listens has just been bitten. Prepare to start howling at the next full moon, Lovelies!
LET GO – man, the intro is tight! The lows are killer and will shake things up live, I’m sure. The guitar and bass together leading up to the chorus is sick! Now, let me be very clear right here – that low under Danny’s voice is money and literally makes my stomach flip and brings up some very painful truths for me. The last minute of this track is back breaking. Literally, having an emotional reaction that I wasn’t quite prepared for at 8 AM. Mother fucker! The beauty of why humans need music is written within the measures and lyrics of this song. Absolutely amazing.
(And FYI – same reaction as I listen during the 2nd pass so it wasn’t something I ate or carbon monoxide poisoning causing this emotional reaction… 🙂 ).
ON MY OWN – mechanical start – like entering in a room where a xerox machine is making a million copies creates a foundation for the tempo. Or better yet, the way a bowling alley machine sounds swiping the pins, lift them, and then sit them down. That tempo rolls like the heaviest of bowling balls being chunked hard but slowly rolls as you listen to the song, finally to strike and knock all the mental pins down…
THE FUTURE – the title track brings this whole record back around and cinches up the drawstring on the bag of magic that is FROM ASHES TO NEW, what you’ve just experienced in this record is kept together all neat and tidy. Where this song thrives is in Danny and Matt’s lyrics. The music behind it just emphasizes their words in stirring ways.