For those that love their European Hard Rock the name ‘Kissin’ Dynamite’ will probably be a familiar name, they have after all been around since 2007 and up until this release already had five fill-length releases under their collective belts. This though could just be their best to date and the one that takes them out of stadiums in Germany and into stadiums all over the planet. If you love the sounds of the Swedes H.E.A.T. and Eclipse then Kissin’ Dynamite really do give those guys a run for their money and with a frontman with the pipes of Hannes Braun and the songs here the sky is the limit.
Opening up with ‘I’ve Got the Fire’ immediately puts the best foot forward and if you’re not familiar with the band this is a song that will draw you in immediately. I’m not quite sure it’s the best track here, but it has an immediacy that will please the real hard rockers out there as well as those that love their Bon Jovi or dare I say it, even Robbie Williams. I’ve not heard Rock with this wide an appeal for quite some time.
‘You’re Not Alone’ that follows that storming opener is a modern melodic rocker with a monumental hook and plenty of attitude that sweeps you up and plants you right in front of the stage before the deep and dirty swing and groove of ‘Somebody’s Gotta Do It’ really hits the spot. Deeper in, the title track itself just scorches, it’s harder, heavier and sizzles and bristles as it storms out of the speakers directly into your brain. It’s made to be played in a stadium, fists in the air, crying out for the Gods of Rock and Roll!
If you want more, and believe me you will want more! ‘Still Around’ takes the mood down with a sweeping ballad (one of two here) that tells the tale of lost summers and sweet memories. It’s a nice moment but you feel that even the band wants to get back to rocking, and they do just that with ‘Superhuman’ – a raucous rocker, that flies out of the gates and soars into the night, dripping with melodies and a memorable refrain it’s what Kissin’ Dynamite do so well.
It doesn’t stop there though, this is a ride that keeps on rolling! Next up ‘Placebo’ has a real attitude and a modern feel that comes across in a lot of the songs here, yet the band seem to have found that magical balance between the modern day and legacy that shouldn’t put off either newcomers or old timers like us.
‘Breaking The Silence’ starts with a strummed de-tuned guitar and bursts forth with the same electric riff. It then proceeds to brood and bubble before breaking forth and bursting out, its heavy and cool as hell as is ‘Wagin’ War’ which has more of a traditional rock thrust and as expected a huge chorus which sears itself into the memory and will have you pressing repeat again and again. And there’s more if you want choruses big and meaty then ‘One More Time’ also tics that box; whilst ‘Heart of Stone’ takes it right down again for the second ballad, and here you really appreciate the depth and warmth of Braun’s vocals. It’s a great song, acoustic led and more than memorable.
The album ends with two tracks billed as ‘bonus tracks’ – ‘Wild Wind’ and ‘No Time To Wonder’ as usual I’ve no idea why they are billed as ‘bonus tracks’ as they appear to be on every release as far as I can tell. They are both of course just as good as the rest of the material here: ‘Wild Wind’ is a nice easy going melodic rocker and ‘No Time To Wonder’ a little harder and a cool way to leave us until next time.
What can I say? For me these German rockers have just pulled away from the pack. There are plenty of great modern melodic hard rock bands out there, but whilst the Swedes have always been just that little ahead of the rest of us with this album i’d put Kissin Dynamite firmly in the hot-seat. This is a great album – full of hooks and a passion you don’t often hear these days. This is their best to date, but the race is still on!
TrackList: 01. I’ve Got The Fire | 02. You’re Not Alone | 03. Somebody’s Gotta Do It |04. Ecstasy | 05. Still Around |06. Superhuman | 07. Placebo | 08. Breaking The Silence | 09. Waging War |10. One More Time | 11. Heart Of Stone | Bonus Tracks: 12. Wild Wind | 13. No Time To Wonder