“This is the sound of a band that have been together for over 20 years. It’s the sound of a band that don’t give a fuck about modern day trends and what the ‘cool’ kids are listening to. It’s the sound of Orange Goblin digging really deep into our well of inspiration.”
Those are words used to describe this latest release from UK rock lords Orange Goblin, a band who have been pulling out some seriously rockin’ tunes for over two decades and this newest effort, “The Wolf Bites Back” shows it to be true.
Following from the stunning “Back from the Abyss” 4 years later, Orange Goblin are back doing what they do best, bringing Sabbath inspired hard rock with a little doom, stoner and vintage guitar oriented riffs to the musical table. “The Wolf Bites Back” is a sign that the band aren’t ready to lay down just yet, instead showcasing how relevant their music still is.
Right out of the gate with opener “Sons Of Salem“, you immediately get a sense of no run arounds or wasting time. It grooves hard and the energy levels are as high as they have ever been, this is signature Orange Goblin at it’s best and it’s only the beginning. The title track is a building beast that features some truly addictive riffs combined with an insatiable beat but “Renegade” beats it out for pure adrenaline rush,a vintage and raucious rocker with classic overtones and bass strings flapping around like mad.
“Sword Of Fire” takes it back a little, at least for a little while as the darker tone of the song compliments the slower tempo but by the end you are right back into overdrive again, leaving you unsure of what’s to come next. “Ghosts of The Primitives” brings some psychedelics into the mix as the jam session midway comes through almost unexpectedly but the song still rocks out hard at both ends of the spectrum whereas “Suicide Division” jumps into hardcore territory as it whips you into a frenzied thrash attack, showing some of the band’s other influences.
The little jam session moments and interludes like “In Bocca Al Lupo” give the overall listening session a real album feel and that kind of goes hand in hand with a band like Orange Goblin. They aren’t the kind of band where you can cherry pick a few songs and throw it into a playlist, this is made to be played in it’s full glory and a sure enough reason to justify still making albums in an industry filled with doubt and uncertainty. make no mistake, this album is a reminder of why that is important.
I’m also not one to pay much attention to lyrics as I feel the music is first and foremost the main component but I can’t help but feel there’s a commentary on today’s society running thematically on this album even though the fantasy stuff does still rear it’s head. It certainly comes off more personal and whether that was intentional or not is certainly an interesting note.
One of the great highlights of “The Wolf Bites Back” is the bluesy gear shifter “The Stranger“. It’s a song that’s going to stick in your mind for various reasons but just the fact that it can go from straight up heart felt blues to almost 60’s psychedelia while rocking out is a testament to great songwriting by the UK veterans. The seamless switch around through out the song is brilliant and one that makes this a true standout.
The album closes out with another jammy number in “Burn The Ships” and the atmospheric track “Zeitgeist” which has a real moodiness to the song. The latter especially choc full of riffs and melodies that join together for a tour de force of real melodic rock goodness, it’s really a perfect way to end what is a great and solid album by a band that hasn’t seem to have lost any soul or knack for putting out quality music. Stick this one in the to do pile if you haven’t got it yet, it’s well worth your time.
Sons of Salem
The Wolf Bites Back
Swords of Fire
Ghosts of The Primitives
In Bocca Al Lupo
Suicide Division
The Stranger
Burn the Ships