There’s an almost cowboy rock phrasing to the vocal on opener and first single ‘Let the Love Begin’ a song that immediately belies Danish rockers Sugarcane’s influences and modern arena rock stylings. ‘Forever Tomorrow’ that follows it up rides a faster, cleaner riff but punches just as hard. Both songs display an astute ear for a great melody and a big hook in the vein of the influences their bio name-checks – Creed, Nickelback, Saliva and 3 Doors Down.
Initially you feel the lighter ‘Speak to Me’ wont have the same impact and whilst it lacks that same immediacy its a grower that’s maybe even harder to get out of your head. The rest of the album is just as accessible and just as capable from the cool guitar driven ‘When the Fire Is Burning’ through the title track ‘Minded For the Radio’ which is the most overtly melodic pop-rock offering here, all the way to the light and lilting closer ‘Where Is My Home’.
There is a slight mid-album dip though – the rocky ‘Sing This Song’ tries hard but just fails to connect and the slower ‘Where the Lovers Go’ starts of with a Nick Cave -like croon that you just can’t get out of your head and without the requisite sized hook to pull you out it just falls a little flat. It’s a minor blip though and the album runs out strongly.
If you’re a big fan of Modern Melodic Rock and the bands name-checked above then these guys are definitely worth your attention.