Almost a decade of pure thrash has culminated in Italian thrash band Ultra-Violence’s third album “Operation Misdirection” where everything just clicks together to form what is ultimately a brutal and pure thrash metal record. Horns up and heads banging as we take a quick look at what’s happening on this recording.
When it comes to thrash metal most tend to look at the US thrash scene as the pinnacle of where it’s at. Sure the teutonic 4 comes up but looking past the old schoolers of yesteryear both sides of the pond, modern metal easily matches each other when it comes to pinning Europe and North America against each other. Look no further than places like Portugal, Greece, Belgium and Spain where some of best thrash bands are pouring out on a regular basis, that area has essentially become the new Bay Area which ironically is exactly where they borrow their influences from.
Italy is another breeding ground for the new generation of thrash metal and Ultra-Violence in their relatively quick 9 year career has caught the attention of many thrashers looking for the next Kreator or Slayer. Their latest album “Operation Misdirection” makes no mistake in making sure the listener knows what to expect, it’s a balls to the wall speedy affair that aligns itself with it’s contemporary fellow acts like Havok, Crisix and Prayers Of Sanity and if you know those bands, then you will certainly dig this.
Most of the tracks on offer is pure speed, thrash and riffs galore. Drums splattering double bass and fills with tempo switches back and forth like a bucking horse, you are taken on a wild ride from start to finish with only a few moments to catch your breathe. Some of the more lengthier tracks like the opener “Cadaver Decomposition Island” does dive into some more melodic passages here and there, even progressive elements seap through like in “My Fragmented Self” but overall this is thrash through and through. There’s even some real fun rock n roll stuff thrown into the mix like in “Welcome To The Freakshow” and the rockin’ “The Acrobat” but still the thrashy aspects lie in wait all along.
Just to throw another curveball at you though, a wildly interesting take on the Dire Straits classic hit “Money For Nothing” can be found mid-way through the album. As a fan of both the band and thrash metal, this seemed absurdly exciting and horrifying at the same time but damn did the band rip some shreds on this tune. Purists may scoff at the idea and throw a fit at the way too heavy take on this iconic song but I guess you gotta appreciate both sides of this coin to really get into it. I for one fucking loved it!
Grab a copy of this album if you love pure thrash metal and then do yourself another favor and grab the rest of their back catalogue. The fast stuff is done just right with this band and especially on this album.
Cadaver Decomposition Island
Welcome To The Freakshow
My Fragmented Self
The Acrobat
Money For Nothing
The Stain On My Soul Remains
Shining Perpetuity
Burning Through The Scars – Live At Domination Studio
Spell Of The Moon – Live At Domination Studio