It was only a few years ago that Jimmy Page attended one of their shows in London and gave them his endorsement, impressed by the band’s energy and passion, as well as their ‘superb musicianship’. It is no surprise then that audiences far and wide are embracing the band. They’ve been featured on the likes of BBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, FOX and MTV. They’ve featured on numerous festival bills, including Hellfest (France), Rockstock (Canada), Concert for Mumbai (India), Beerfest Asia, Download (UK) and Rock On The Range, to name a few. They have a rigorous tour schedule, having performed in all major cities in all 50 USA states, as well as Japan, Singapore, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium and Poland, among others. They’ve also played the coveted Madison Square Gardens – twice!
The all-girl quartet, led by New York guitarist Steph Paynes are looking forward to their first sojourn to Australian with their upcoming tour. “We are over the rainbow about it [the tour], or perhaps should we say, atop the Stairway to Heaven,” says Steph. “We have heard many rumors that some of the greatest rock fans in the world live in the Land Down Under. So, we thought it’s about time we hopped on over to see for ourselves.”
Harking back to the beginning, Steph formed the band on an idea she had one afternoon, while between gigs. Already an established musician within her own right, she had been performing with the likes of Ronnie Spector. “I suddenly had this thought, ‘wouldn’t it be ridiculously awesome to play the music of Led Zeppelin with a bunch of kick-ass women and completely indulge my ‘Guitar Goddess’ fantasy’,” she says. “Now, if I had been a more reasonable person, I would have had a laugh and left it at that. But, instead I thought ‘why not!’. All I needed were three other worthy, willing and equally insane girls with killer chops. Clearly an impossible quest!”
As they say, from each crazy idea, is born a brilliant concept – and it was certainly the case as Steph found the three musicians to join her in the quest for Lez Zeppelin. From the beginning, Lez Zeppelin was to always be a ‘she-incarnation’ not an impersonation. “It was clear to all of us from the onset that what made Led Zeppelin so magical, iconic and timeless was the indefinable chemistry between the four powerful and charismatic musicians,” Steph says. “When they played live, it was all about communication and dynamics – this is what ignites an audience and creates such an intense concert experience. That is what we strive to do. When we step onto the stage, we are completely committed to that musical moment and we give it everything we’ve got. We never really know what is going to happen from one moment to the next – this is exciting for us and it turns on the audience as well.”
It is this spontaneity that Lez Zeppelin bring to every gig. With a plethora of iconic songs at their disposal, no show is ever the same. “We like to put together our setlist right before each show, so that we can argue over which songs to include and throw plates across the room at each other,” says Steph. “We do really love to mix it up. “There are no real rules as far as setlists go, but some songs are almost impossible to omit without causing a riot – Rock and Roll, Black Dog, Whole Lotta Love, Kashmir… and of course, the ubiquitous Stairway to Heaven. We also love to dive into the deeper cuts such as Hots On For Nowhere, For Your Life, How Many More Times. We could go on and on – they are all great.”
Back in 2013 when Jimmy Page turned up to their show in London, he described their show as ‘passionate’. “I think this is what he saw and it surprised him,” says Steph. This is why a Lez Zeppelin concert is so revelatory for people. Nobody expects this from a so-called ‘cover’ band. Its incredibly, wondrously satisfying to know that Jimmy, himself, actually came to our show and told us he loved it. Really, it is the ultimate validation. We are all so deeply grateful that we were able to play for him and also tell him how much his music means to us and has transformed our own lives. It’s not something we take for granted. We don’t feel that we can now just kick up our feet and rest on our laurels. Instead, it pushes us to keep on going, to keep trying to develop our musicianship and hope that it continues to bring people great joy.”
Don’t miss Lez Zeppelin as they bring their tour to Australia for the first time. Tickets are on sale now.
Friday 27th July 2018
Entertainment Quarter, Building 220, 122 Lang Road, Moore Park NSW
www.maxwatts.com.au | www.oztix.com.au
Saturday 28th July 2018
125 Swanston Street, Melbourne VIC
www.maxwatts.com.au | www.oztix.com.au
Tuesday 31st July 2018
The Barwon Club Hotel, GEELONG VIC
509 Moorabool Street, South Geelong VIC
www.barwonclub.com.au | www.oztix.com.au
Thursday 2nd August 2018
7-9 Stratton Street, Newstead QLD
www.thetriffid.com.au | www.oztix.com.au
Friday 10th August 2018
Fowler’s Live, ADELAIDE SA
68 North Terrace, Adelaide SA
www.fowlerslive.com.au | www.moshtix.com.au
Saturday 11th August 2018
The Charles, PERTH WA
509 Charles Street, North Perth WA
www.charleshotel.com.au | www.ticketmaster.com.au
For more information, please visit www.itcouldbereal.net