After two years of relentless writing, rehearsing, performing and touring VOTOV is finally ready to release their debut full-length. Self-titled, this brutal symphony of primeval dark grooves bursts with aggression, while subliminally pummeling the listener like a tank rolling through a battlefield.
This album is metal in its purest form, stripped down to its essential components… absolutely unwavering and unforgiving.
Born from the frigid, snow-raped Canadian north comes three-piece death metal band, VOTOV.
This is no come-lightly band. Within its ranks are members who honed their butal chops in such bands as Immortal Possession, The Grim Meathook Experience, Serrated Scalpel, Psychotic Gardening, Eyam, and Broken Hope (Chuck Labossiere as tour vocalist in 2013),
Driven by the desire to create music reminiscent of their roots, the core members of Psychotic Gardening formed VOTOV in 2015. The concept was simple – to make music that they themselves were influenced by. VOTOV is primal, old school death metal with thrash undertones.
1. The Smear
2. Organic Incarceration
3. Absinuance
4. Indoctrination
5. Massing Link
6. By the Disgrace of God
7. Reviled Deliverance
8. Dethroned Emperor (Celtic Frost cover)