Claim The Throne are gearing up to head to Europe. But first, they will be playing in their home town to ensure their chops are up to scratch and to raise money for steins of beer. With a growing catalogue of folk/melodeath tunes and extensive touring history, Claim The Throne’s tour warm up show is sure to be a blast.
Power metal icons Silent Knight know what it’s like to perform in Europe and will be giving Claim The Throne a lesson or two. Destroying Perth recently at Stormrider Festival, Silent Knight are guaranteed to bring singalongs and ripping guitar leads that will max out the metal vibes.
Regular giggers to all offshoots of the Perth heavy scene Tempest Rising join us to make this lineup a big one. These guys have constant activity, including recent national tours and dropping new tunes, making them a hugely prominent act.
Opening the event is the debut show for newcomer perverts Blüddypŏp. Blüddypŏp is a pooper group featuring past & present members of Nails Of Imposition, Claim The Throne, Maximum Perversion, Cuntscrape, Arkarion & will groove and grind their way through brandspanking broodal tunes. Blüddypŏp will spice up your night and get you feeling all warm and cosy inside.
CLAIM THE THRONE European Tour Send Off Show
With guests
Silent Knight
Tempest Rising (Official)