2017 saw Phoenix metal band Murkocet drop their debut full length album “Digging Mercy’s Grave” which had a major impact here at The Rockpit, landing it in our top releases of the year. A little over a year later the band have pushed out a new EP, 5 new songs that follow on from where they left off so we sank our teeth into it with as much anticpation as where we last left them.
EP’s are a funny thing in that they give you a quick rundown of what the band are capable of or it can be something to keep your interest until the next full length. With Murkocet‘s new 5 track release “Epidemic“, it’s pretty much straight in, deliver some uncompromising metal and then get out before you wonder what just happened.
I will say though that overall this one doesn’t quite have as much punch as the first album but that signature American groove metal sound is evident right from the start and that’s what keeps me interested in this band. “Rule The Night” kicks things off in style with that notorious Devildriver meets Lamb Of God style unapologetically evident with it’s plentiful breakdowns and swinging groove.
Two tracks that match up together, “Spiders” and the substantial track “Fleeting” bring a strong melodic hook that’s still catchy but does step off the pedal a little. The former features a slight metalcore tone in an otherwise grooved based affair while the latter takes you on a bit of a journey as it meanders around through over 7 minutes of heavy melodic moments.
A highlight of the EP however is “Hustlin Hate“, hooks galore and vocals that are delivered in particularly well timed fashion, complimenting the headbanging tempo. A little Slipknot madness gets thrown into the mix halfway but it does come back around again by the end which makes you wish there was more than the 5 songs on offer. Rounding it all off is “Burn After Listening” which seems to encapsulate the EP in one sitting, grabbing all the best moments of what the band can show
“Epidemic” may not have as much of an impact as their massive debut release “Digging Mercy’s Grave” but it shows the band have enough in the tank to really show huge promise in becoming something memorable in the future. Again I await in anticipation for the next release!
Rule The Night
Hustlin Hate
Burn After Listening