Whenever you hear an Australian Rock band in the international press there are always the inevitable home-grown comparisons and whenever you hear of a new female-fronted Rock Band again those comparisons always come. It’s understandable in a way as we all need a reference point to hang our hat on but in reality it often dashes expectations. Rose Carleo might be a familiar name to some though if you go all the way back her first couple of solo albums did tread a far more country path than rock and it wasn’t until album number three ‘Time is Now’ that she really let loose.
Three years on Rose has put out her first release under the title ‘Rose Carleo Band’ and whilst partner and guitarist Mick Adkins is on board again we have a new rhythm section in Steve King (bass) and Mick O’Shea (drums) who all shine here. Now back to that opening statement – if you want a reference point this EP does sound very similar to that first Baby Animals record and Rose’s vocals which are an absolute revelation throughout, inhabiting that hallowed territory somewhere between Amphlett, Benatar and DeMarchi but with a real warmth I don’t think any of them really display.
The most stunning thing about this release though is the songs,which not only fit Rose’ voice like a glove, but hark back to a time when rock was simpler far, more direct, genre-less and full of soul and yearning and emotion. Sometimes you hear and EP and want more and sometimes you want less padding, but here the balance is perfect – 5 great tracks with not a second wasted – this is rock and roll that gets to the point, working-class bluesy rock that touches on themes common to us all,and is delivered by a band who do it real justice.
Take any track here from the cool bluesy riff to country-tinged opener ‘Into the Fray’; or the Rose-Tattoo-like stomp of my favourite ‘Faded Tattoo’ all the way to the lighter Baby Animals-like ‘Last Day Alive’ which is as clean and clear as the blue sky. Every track here has something to say and says it beautifully and for an EP there’s also a hell of a lot going on with title track ‘Battle Scars’ probably the most powerful straight-ahead rocker and ‘Coat Tail Rider’ the most complex opening as it does with an echo of ‘Rock ‘n’ Roll Part 2′ and layering on the swing and blues all the way to the huge hook.Honestly this is seriously good stuff.
This is good, damned good. Some of the best music you’ll hear from Australia this year without a doubt.