Looking down at the phone ringing, the caller ID said Thessaloniki, Greece. I thought I would be getting a call from the east coast instead of halfway around the world! So when I answered, I all but said “OMG you’re calling from Greece??” before saying “hello”. I’m sure at this point Gus was thinking, “who is this chick and why is she surprised I’m calling from Greece…I live here!!”
Trying to break the ice at the beginning of an interview with a talent such as Gus G., Grecian-deity-like-Apolloish guitarist and crazy-insanely talented musician, can be a tiny bit difficult, but even more difficult when I don’t slide the filter to keep the silly things from coming out before picking up the phone.
Regaining my composure and making sure the filter was in place for the rest of the conversation, we mentioned the similarities between Dallas weather and the weather in Greece before getting into the meat of the record FEARLESS:
GUS: It’s the same in Texas as Greece, no? It gets hot there, right?
CB: Yes, it does in the summer. It gets hot AF but pretty sure it’s not as bearable as it being hot AF in Greece. Y’all have the freaking clear blue ocean…we have no ocean in Dallas, and the closest is really not an ocean, it’s the Gulf Of Mexico. Not very exciting…ha ha!
GUS: Yes, we are lucky we have the ocean, that is for sure. But I like Texas when I’ve been there before.
CB: Well, hopefully you’ll get to come back if you’re going to tour off the release of your newest record FEARLESS. That is a pretty strong title for a solo record so the songs must live up to the record title. I mean you can’t have shitty songs on a record entitled FEARLESS, right? And, honestly, all of the tracks on FEARLESS live up to the title; it’s really a great record. Nice playing! I just reviewed it this morning before your call. I dug it!
GUS: Oh, awesome! Thank you! I’m glad you like it!
CB: I loved both instrumentals and since your fans wanted to hear more songs like this, you gave them what they wanted! Is writing/producing an instrumental track more difficult than one with lyrics/vocals?
GUS: For me, it’s more difficult for me to write instrumentals. I don’t know why, but they don’t flow out of me easily. I don’t start writing a song to be an instrumental song though. They come out in pieces, I’ll just add parts, and I start going towards those thoughts of it becoming instrumental.
CB: One of the standouts on FEARLESS is Big City with that swanky groove that reminds me of Texas rock; along the same lines or somewhat similar to the sound of Stevie Ray Vaughan or ZZ Top. That bluesy churn of the bass and guitar is kickass all throughout the record!
GUS: It definitely has a classic rock feel to it. Dennis wrote the lyrics. The initial lyric was different and used “sweet leaf”, that’s a Black Sabbath song done in 1972, and such an iconic song we’re going to have to turn out something else. So he came up with Big City.
CB: I figured Dennis wrote the lyric or if it was a collaboration – but it’s interesting that not even knowing you guys personally, the lyrics kind of lend to all three of your life experiences. It’s a connection point for fans that is really cool and will go a long way when it comes to fans finding another way to connect with you on top of playing guitar.
GUS: I know what you mean, and it’s cool when you can interpret some of the lyrics into your own situations. People go through similar experiences no matter where they’re from or what time period they’re living in. [On FEARLESS] there are no fictional lyrics on this record but it’s about stuff we all go through in life. Dennis is really good with writing and knows how to get a message across. Speaking for myself, I’m not a great lyric writer. I just throw something out and he puts pen to paper and writes it.
CB: At 37, you’re in a sweet spot to release a solo record, this being your 3rd. I mean you’ve found your place, paid some dues here and there, snagged two other seasoned musicians – what do you think is going to be your biggest obstacle to overcome?
GUS: Obstacle?
CB: You probably have all the confidence in the world. I second guess myself and sometimes get stuck in thinking I can’t do something, but I’m really just limiting myself. But what I mean by obstacles – in a general way – are there things that get in your way when you’re writing a new record, performing with legends, or performing your own work – what gets in the way?
GUS: I second guess myself all the time. Writing FEARLESS was about not holding back. Fear is what holds everyone back; the fear of failure. Failing in front of friends and maybe your mom and dad. You have to not give a fuck. It’s more complicated but really it is that easy. It took me like 3 albums to come into my own. They were all kinds of styles I was also trying out stuff that I thought was cool. I just stayed focused, didn’t think about what people would think, or the radio play of the song. I kept true to myself and the record Fearless, I think shows that.
CB: People are going to connect to this record, there’s a real honest feeling to it. What’s happening with the three of you is magical – like the feelings that come when listening seems like you’ve been creating music together for eternity, the three of you are writing such cohesive music. The way your guitar and Dennis’ bass fit together is radical but Will Hunt (EVANESCENCE) creates amazing drum parts that make the whole song stick. His parts are so tight and they’re written to compliment the song, not just bang something out.
GUS: Will is awesome. He really listened to what we gave him and wrote the drum parts … but that’s a good word for it; “cohesive”. It’s resonating and people (with fans and people that have heard it so far) are feeling that too, so that’s good. It’s good that you (and others) have the feeling of togetherness from us on the record. I think it will come off good live and fans will like it.
CB: Seriously, I don’t know how you move your hands that fast or play some of the riffs and solos that fast. It’s insane!
GUS: I just do what I do!
CB: Well, you do it right or do the impossible with a guitar! At least from my perspective and others. I don’t want to focus on who you’ve shared the stage with, but that I read where you’ve collaborated with Elize from AMARANTHE, she’s one of my favorites! What kind of trouble did you two get into? Whatever it was, I bet it was amazing!!
GUS: Yes, we did. She did a song on my TRIBUTES record. You’ll have to check it out, it was fun and she’s great!
Sidenote: Here’s the song What Lies Below from the 2015 record TRIBUTES release featuring Swedish superstar, Elyze Ryd of Amaranthe. Seriously – these two are freaking adorbs together. They would make mega-metal magnificently beautiful babies!!!
CB: So, I’m guessing you’ll plan on touring off this record? I saw some European dates, but none yet in the US. Are there plans for the US…pretty please, include a Dallas date!
GUS: Yes, we’re going to tour the US in the Fall. I think the tour starts in Texas and we’ll be coming to Dallas so we’ll definitely see you! This will be a fun tour and I am happy about performing FEARLESS for fans. But until then, you can pre-order the record. Just go to my website GusG.com and people can order there. We have some great packages too that fans can get, so check that out.
CB: Thank you so much for talking to me for The Rockpit – Australia! I wish you all the success with FEARLESS! I know I’ll definitely welcome the whole record to my favorites in my playlists! And I will look forward to seeing you when you guys come to the States!