One part invading horde and all parts traveling carnival party, Black Label Society traverses the world powered by caffeine and cacophony. BLS engages and inspires audiences everywhere they go, on every radio dial they burn, inviting all comers to join in and participate in their brotherhood and sisterhood of hard rock and vigor. Now ten studio albums deep, with solo records, Ozzy shows, and Zakk Sabbath tours all kicking ass simultaneously, Black Label Society rides ever forward, fist held high. The new album “Grimmest Hits” was released in January and has received very favourably, we catch up with Zakk who has been a regular on The Rockpit pages over the years to discuss the new songs, the world tour and more.
Steve: Hi Zakk how’s it going?
Zakk: I’m doing great man. We are just getting ready to roll with the Sacramento chapter, we are ready to roll!
Steve: It’s always a good time with Black Label!
Zakk: Without a doubt. We’ve got a couple more then we are home for a bit then we roll out to Russia
Steve: Awesome have you played Russia very many times?
Zakk: Yeah man we’ve played there a couple of times so looking forward to it.
Steve: So the new album has been out for a little while now, it’s obviously Black Label to the core. How has the reception been so far?
Zakk: Well the album went into the billboard top 200 at number 4!
Steve: Holy god that’s awesome!
Zakk: Yeah everything is going good buddy. Obviously our Black Label family is growing larger due to all the female growth hormones and steroids we are jacked up on! (laughs). We having a blast playing some of the new stuff.
Steve: Do you have any favourites you like to play live off the new record?
Zakk: Yeah man we have 4 new songs in the set so we are having a blast man.
Steve: So the video for “Room Full Of Nightmares”, was there a theme behind that one?
Zakk: Yeah people have asked, “Hey Zakk who’s idea was it for the room full of nightmares video?”
And I say it wasn’t anyones idea, it was just us playing at an 11 year olds birthday party. If you get a gig, you take it. It doesn’t matter if it’s a bar mitzvah or a circumcision, 100 bucks is 100 bucks. You take the gig, you don’t complain and you just be gratful that you’re actually working and that’s about it so that’s where we are right about now.
Steve: Fair enough, I really dig the video for it. I was just curious to hear your thoughts on it.
Zakk: (laughs) Well now you know.
Steve: Now this is a difficult question but if you could be remembered for one song what would it be and why?
Zakk: It would be a three way tie between “Stairway To Heaven”, “Free bird” and “White Christmas”. I was very proud of each one of them when I completed them! (laughs). Also my accountant is very happy that I wrote them!
Steve: You got me! (laughs). So I guess you’ve been fortunate, lucky, whatever you’d like to call it, to play with some of the greatest people to grace the earth but is there anyone you’d still like to play with?
Zakk: I’m living the dream playing with guys I’m play with right now, I mean between my brothers in Black Label and “Blasko” I wouldn’t change my situation for anything.
Steve: So are there any covers you’d like to play or maybe a cover album? I know, that’s a random thing to ask.
Zakk: As far as cover tracks go we give them away as bonus tracks instead of giving away songs that you’ve written ’cause it’s always a blast doing covers from your favourite artist or band. But yeah as far as covers go that’s how we do it, as bonus tracks.
“Grimmest Hits” – review
Steve: So what is the best and worst part about touring for you?
Zakk: There is no bad here, this the reason. You have Jimmy Page posters and all your guys on the wall, I mean you’re doing what you love. I have buddies of mine that are like I couldn’t stand touring anymore. I’ve been with the same girl for 33 years and we have four kids, life’s good. I love touring, I love making the records, I love the whole process so for me there is no bad.
Steve: I’ve spoken with other people and it’s like this sucks and that sucks but if you truly love what you do then that is half the battle.
Zakk: Yeah that’s what I’m saying. It’s like when you ask Keith Richards, “When are you guys retiring?” And he’s like, retire to what? That is the reason you work so hard so can get to a point where you can actually do it and tour on your own terms.
Steve: Oh for sure man. So for any aspiring guitarists out there do you have any tips or tricks before you head out on stage?
Zakk: There are no tricks to hard work, there is no substitute for that. If you want something you have to go get it. Like people ask, ‘Hey Zakk do you have any advice for my son or daughter who is a musician?’ The answer is, yeah just tell ’em to play what they love, don’t worry about what is popular. Whatever music it is that moves you that’s what you should be doing because that is the only way you’re going to shine and excel, find what you love and do that and it’s a lot easier said than done because people will play what they think is popular or get them a record deal and help them out. The Eagles or Black Sabbath didn’t start out doing that, they just played what they love. I mean Elton John just played what he wanted to play from day one, that’s the occult illuminati secret, just play what you love.
Steve: For sure! So can the Australian fans expect to see you sometime this year maybe?
Zakk: For sure it’s going to happen, right now we are just wrapping up the American and Canadian crusade and we are getting ready for the European crusade. Eventually we’ll be rolling with the Australian and New Zealand chapters than after that the Asian chapters so yeah it’s going to be a complete world tour man! Then we’ll also be down there with Ozzy so looking forward to it.
Steve: So are there any albums spinning for you right now that have made you sit up and take notice?
Zakk: Yeah I mean the album I’m digging at the moment is this band Black Label Society (laughs). Aside from that I’m really digging the new Robert Plant record but usually I’m chilling out listening to mellow stuff or I’m on a steady diet of singer song writer radio or I listen to the stuff that I’ve been listening to since I was 14 or 15 wether it’s Zeppelin and Sabbath or Hendrix and that’s about it brother.
Steve: A real great mix and you can’t go past the classics!
Zakk: Without a doubt.
Steve: Well it’s been great speaking with you today Zakk. Thanks so much for your time, I really appreciate it and look forward to seeing you when you guys hit good old OZ!
Zakk: You got it my brother. A message for the Australian Black Label chapter – stay strong, God bless, keep bleeding Black label and we’ll see you soon!