The death / thrash / black metal holocaust that is Nocturnal Graves bring the spirit of hell with them in grasping the national support for the upcoming WATAIN headlining tour of Australia / New Zealand. From the crypts of Victoria and raging with blood and fire, Nocturnal Graves, along with local supports, join the ravenous and spiteful hunt.
WATAIN with Nocturnal Graves performing at:
February 22nd – Melbourne, Max Watt’s w/ Eskhaton
February 23rd – Brisbane, Crowbar w/ Impetuous Ritual
February 24th – Sydney, The Factory w/ Sorathian Dawn
February 26th – Wellington, Valhalla
February 27th – Auckland, Galatos w/ Winter Deluge
ALL SHOWS (Except NZ) – http://soundworksdirect.eventbrite.com
MELBOURNE & BRISBANE – www.oztix.com.au
SYDNEY – www.factorytheatre.com.au
AUCKLAND – www.utr.co.nz / www.eventfinda.co.nz