Nuclear Blast News: Doro, Epica, Rob Zombie

Nuclear Blast


DORO supports WACKEN blood donation campaign, EPICA release new single “Dedicate Your Heart,  ROB ZOMBIE signs to Nuclear Blast.



DoroIn two weeks‘ time the 29th edition of Wacken Open Air (W:O:A) will start. And live on stage will be Metal Queen Doro Pesch. On July 18th the rock star visited the blood donation head office in the university hospital of her hometown, Düsseldorf. The reason being – this year the university hospital of Düsseldorf (UKD) has become an official partner of Wacken Open Air. Metal fans can now become an official “W:O:A Blood Sponsor” at the UKD.

It‘s a great campaign! Solidarity and support: That‘s exactly what defines the metal community. And that‘s also what blood donation is about. It saves lives with just a small effort. Each of us could one day depend on blood donation. And the official blood sponsor t-shirts surely contribute to motivating more people to join the campaign – because they can‘t be bought” said Doro Pesch during her visit to the Düsseldorf university hospital.

And that‘s how the “Wacken Blood Donation” works: when somebody donates their blood, they will get a stamp on their personal Wacken Blood Donation card, which will be handed out on request. When it‘s completely full, they‘ll receive a special “Wacken Blood Sponsor-t-shirt”.

For more information click here.

Four out of five people in Germany depend on a donation of blood at least once in their life, or on a treatment which depends on a donation of blood. Many surgeries and therapies can‘t be carried out because there are not enough units of stored blood. Around 60.000 blood preparations are needed every year, just for the university hospital in Düsseldorf!

On the 3rd of August, Doro Pesch will stand up on the stage at Wacken Open Air, as one of the artists that are very closely connected to the festival.  Since 2009, her song ‘We are the Metalheads’ has been celebrated as one of the official anthems of the festival and this year with her latest single ‘All for Metal’, she has outdone herself!
Shortly after on August 17th, DORO‘s eagerly awaited new album »Forever Warriors, Forever United« will be released.

DORO will be appearing on many German Talk shows in July and August:
28.07.18: ARD – „Ina´s Nacht”
31.07.18: ZDF – „Morgenmagazin“
15.08.18: ZDF – „Volle Kanne“
24.08.18: NDR – „Talk Show“
28.08.18: RBB – „Zibb”




Epica - Epica vs Attack On TitanToday, Dutch symphonic metal giants EPICA release a cover EP for the highly successful “Attack On Titan” theme songs. With their legion of fans, ’Attack On Titan‘ have conquered both the print world with over 70 million copies, and anime sector with an adaption that is currently airing worldwide. The EP entitled EPICA VS. Attack On Titan features metal covers of the anime‘s theme songs and will be released worldwide – outside of Japan – today via Nuclear Blast Records.

Today, the band releases also the new single “Dedicate Your Heart”.
Watch the track video HERE.

Simone Simons comments: “‘Dedicate your Heart!’ is one of the fastest EPICA songs I‘ve ever sung. Be prepared to have this song stuck in your head for a long time.”




Rob ZombieNuclear Blast Records is pleased to announce the worldwide signing of Rock and Heavy Metal icon and unique filmmaker, ROB ZOMBIE. A follow up to his 2016 studio album, »The Electric Warlock Acid Witch Satanic Orgy Celebration Dispenser« and 2018’s »Astro-Creep: 2000 Live« is expected for a 2019 release.

More details to be announced shortly.

Comments ROB ZOMBIE:
“I am very excited to work with the fine folks at Nuclear Blast. The combination of the label’s grassroots urge to get the hustle done mixed with the detonation of our most combustable melodic masterpiece yet should prove to be a winning hybrid of hellacious hullabaloo.”

Adds Nuclear Blast:
“As fans ourselves at Nuclear Blast we have long admired the artistry of ROB ZOMBIE throughout his extensive and successful career in both music and film. It is a very exciting opportunity to unite ROB’s visionary talent with Nuclear Blast ingenuity. Nuclear Blast has a long history of thinking outside of the box and creating personal and collectible experiences for the fans. We look forward to delivering unforgettable experiences to fans around the world for years to come with the legendary ROB ZOMBIE.”


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The Rockpit is an online media publication reporting and promoting rock, metal and blues music from Australia and around the world.