Purest Of Pain (featuring members of Delain) streaming new track “Terra Nil”

Purest Of Pain


Dutch melodic death metal band PUREST OF PAIN announce the release of their debut album “Solipsis” on March 1st, 2018 to follow their 2013 single “Momentum” and 2011 EP “Revelations In Obscurity”. 

Lead by guitarist and main songwriter Merel Bechtold of DELAIN, whom also performs in much respected bands MaYaN and The Gentle Storm/Anneke van Giersbergen, the energetic quintet from Holland, which now includes DELAIN drummer Joey de Boer is a force to be reckoned with. Combining Scandanavian metal influences with groove, ambiance, tone and melody, the band has unleashed their first single “Terra Nil”.

Seven years in the making, from the writing process up to the final mastering to launching a successful online crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo (raising over 18,000 Euros, thank you video here), along with increasing their funds through live performances, which saw them open for such bands as Opeth, Textures, Suicide Silence, Unearth and Attack Attack! plus an unforgettable slot at Wacken in 2014. “Solipsis” is 14 tracks of brutality blended with groove and emotion produced by Merel Bechtold with recording done at Mantis Audio Studio (Delain) and mastering by Jens Jorgen (Opeth, Arch Enemy, Soilwork). 

Guitarist Merel Bechtold comments: “‘Solipsis’ is a guitar oriented record, is has been recorded as organic as possible: partly at home, partly at Mantis Audio Studio. The song ‘E.M.D.R.’ is written by fellow guitarist Michael van Eck. All the other songs were summoned by myself. The lyrics are written by vocalist J.D. Kaye. And even though the music isat times technical and challenging, it’s undeniably driven by relentless groove, enhanced by hugely melodic passages, wonderful tone and moments of ambient clarity.”

“Solipsis” will be available on CD, Vinyl plus as a digital release and is available for pre-order here. Their single “Terra Nil” is available for download and stream on iTunesAmazonGoogle PlaySpotifyDeezer

The CD and Vinyl versions have slightly altered artwork. Merel Bechtold was responsible for its concept and bass player Frank van Leeuwen designed and finalized the covers.


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